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SSC MTS Result 2023 Declared For Tier 1: Download Result PDF

Utkarsh Classes Last Updated 07-02-2025
SSC MTS Result 2023 Declared For Tier 1: Download Result PDF

SSC MTS Result 2023 has been declared by the Staff Selection Commission (SSC) on 7 November 2023 for Tier 1 CBT. The Multi Tasking (Non-Technical) Staff, and Havaldar (CBIC & CBN) Examination, 2023 was conducted in computer-based mode from 1 September to 14 September 2023 at different centres all over the country. Those who have appeared in the examination can check their result by visiting the official website of the SSC. 

A total of 4380 candidates are shortlisted for the PET/PST. The Commission will soon announce the dates for the Physical Efficiency Test (PET) and Physical Standard Test (PST) for the Havaldar positions. On 17 September 2023, the Commission initially uploaded a tentative answer key. After a thorough review of representations submitted by candidates regarding the Answer Keys, necessary adjustments were made, and the result has been declared on the basis of the final Answer Key.

SSC MTS 2023 Prelims Result 

SSC MTS Result 2023 for Tier 1 has been declared in PDF format with the names of shortlisted candidates. Shortlisted candidates are eligible to appear for PET/ PST for the post of Havaldar. Candidates who do not meet the physical efficiency test (PET) or physical standard test (PST) requirements will not be eligible for the position of Havaldar in the final result. 

Nevertheless, if these individuals are selected for the Multi-Tasking Staff (MTS) position, their candidacy will continue to be valid for the MTS post. The final results for both positions, MTS and Havaldar, will be announced simultaneously at a later stage after the completion of Havaldar's PET/PST. 

SSC MTS Result 2023 Notice 

SSC MTS Tier 1 Result Overview 2023 

The SSC MTS 2023 Computer-Based Test (CBT) Exam results are now accessible for download. This examination, conducted by the Staff Selection Commission (SSC), aimed to fill 1558 vacancies for Multi Tasking (Non-Technical) Staff and Havaldar (CBIC & CBN) positions. Here's a concise summary of the SSC MTS 2023 Exam:

                                        SSC MTS 2023: Important Updates

Exam Conducting Body

Staff Selection Commission 

Exam Name 

SSC MTS & Havaldar (CBIC & CBN) Exam 2023 

SSC MTS Exam Date

1 to 14 September 2023

Answer Key Date

17 September 2023

SSC MTS Result 2023 

7 November 2023

SSC MTS CBT Result Status 2023 




Official Website


SSC MTS Merit List 2023 

SSC MTS Merit List is uploaded on the SSC’s website and candidates can check their eligibility for the next round by checking their name or roll number in the merit list. The category-wise breakdown of candidates provisionally shortlisted for the Physical Efficiency Test (PET) and Physical Standard Test (PST) for the Havaldar position, based on their performance in the Computer-Based Examination (CBE), is as follows:

                              SSC MTS Shortlisted Candidates 2023


No. of Candidates

















Other PWD 






Download SSC MTS CBT Result 2023 

The SSC MTS Result 2023 has been officially announced online for the MTS CBT and Havaldar (CBIC & CBN). Candidates who appeared in the online exam can follow these steps to check their SSC MTS Result 2023:

  1. Visit the official SSC website.
  2. Navigate to the "Result" section and click on the "Others" tab.
  3. In this section a link labeled "Multi Tasking (Non-Technical) Staff and Havaldar (CBIC & CBN) Examination, 2023 – List of candidates qualified in CBE for appearing in PET/PST (for the post of Havaldar)" will be displayed.
  4. The SSC MTS Result 2023 Merit List in PDF format will appear on the screen for you to view and download.
  5. To find your name or roll number, press "Ctrl+F" and enter the necessary details such as your roll number/ Name/ FatherName/ DOB.
  6. If your Name and Roll Number is on the list, it indicates that you have successfully qualified for the next round which is PST/PET.

SSC MTS Result 2023 Download Link 

Candidates can download the SSC MTS Result PDF by visiting the official website of the Staff Selection Commission. Candidates can use the Shortcut Key “Ctrl+F” to check their roll number in the list of shortlisted candidates. The Commission will upload the Final Answer Keys and the marks of both qualified and non-qualified candidates on its website after the final examination results have been officially declared. For your reference we have provided the direct link to the list of shortlisted candidates:-

SSC MTS Result 2023: List of Shortlisted Candidates

SSC MTS Qualifying Marks 2023 For CBT

In addition to the SSC MTS Result 2023, the Staff Selection Commission (SSC) had specified that candidates must achieve scores exceeding the minimum qualifying marks to pass the Computer-Based Test (CBT) Exam. The category-wise qualifying marks are presented in the table below:

                                    SSC MTS Minimum Qualifying Marks 2023 


Qualifying Marks 





All Other Categories



The SSC MTS Result 2023 for Tier 1 CBT was announced on 7 November 2023.

To check your SSC MTS Result 2023, visit the official SSC website, navigate to the "Result" section, and follow the instructions provided in the article.

After qualifying in the Tier 1 CBT, shortlisted candidates are eligible to appear for the Physical Efficiency Test (PET) and Physical Standard Test (PST) for the Havaldar position.

You can use the "Ctrl+F" function and enter your necessary details, such as your roll number, name, father's name, or date of birth, to search for your name or roll number in the PDF merit list.

The Final Answer Keys and marks of qualified/non-qualified candidates will be uploaded on the SSC website after the final examination results are officially declared.

A total of 4380 candidates have been shortlisted for the PET/PST for the Havaldar position.

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