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RPSC RAS Prelim Exam 2023: Last-Minute Preparation Strategy

Utkarsh Classes Last Updated 04-03-2025
RPSC RAS Prelim Exam 2023: Last-Minute Preparation Strategy

The Rajasthan Public Service Commission (RPSC) is responsible for organising the Rajasthan Administrative Services (RAS) examination, which serves as a platform for selecting eligible individuals to fill diverse administrative roles within the state government. As RPSC RAS Prelims 2023 will take place on 1 October 2023, it's crucial to put a last-minute preparation strategy in place. 

In this article, we will discuss the RPSC RAS Exam Pattern 2023 and provide some valuable tips for your last-minute preparations.

RPSC RAS Prelim Exam Pattern 2023

Going to appear in the RPSC RAS Prelims 2023, the very first thing you have to do is to familiarise yourself with the RPSC RAS Prelim Exam Pattern. Check the subject, exam duration, negative marking and the maximum marks. This is the initial stage to get recruited for the RPSC RAS positions. 

This section offers an extensive insight into the RPSC RAS Preliminary Examination pattern. Candidates are strongly advised to keep themselves updated on the most up-to-date exam patterns to strategise their preparation effectively. Below are detailed particulars regarding the RPSC RAS Exam:

Stage I: Preliminary Exam Pattern 

  • The preliminary exam is designed to be only qualifying in nature and comprises a single paper.
  • The paper will be  an “Objective Type Multiple Choice based question paper” carrying 200 marks.
  • The questions in this paper are set at the level equivalent to a bachelor's degree.
  • Successful candidates will progress to the main examination.
  • For every incorrect answer, a penalty of 1/3 (one-third) of a mark will be deducted.



Max. Marks 


Paper I

General Knowledge & General Science


3 Hours

RPSC RAS Prelim Exam Schedule 2023 

The RPSC RAS Exam 2023 is scheduled to be conducted on 1 October 2023 from 11:00 a.m. to 02:00 p.m. in a single shift. Those who are going to appear in the RPSC RAS exam 2023 are advised to reach the examination centre well before the reporting time.


Date & Time 

Admit Card Download Dates

28 September to 1 October 2023

Reporting Time 

1 October 2023 By 10:00 a.m.

Exam Date & Exam Time 

1 October 2023 from 11:00 a.m. to 02:00 p.m. 

Relevant Links

Refer to this table for some important links which are related to the RPSC RAS Exam 2023:-

Tactics For RPSC RAS Prelims 2023 

As we don’t have much time left on our hands, we should start our revision by covering the whole curriculum that we have studied during the preparation period. Here, we are providing some last-minute tactics you should follow these days before the real exam:-

1. Remember, “Revision is the Key”:

At this stage, focus on revising the topics you've already studied. Review your notes, textbooks, and essential formulas to create concise notes for efficient revision. Pay special attention to Rajasthan-specific topics, current affairs, and general knowledge.

2. Practise Mock Tests:

Attempt online and offline mock tests, whichever are available and the previous year's question papers. These tests will provide insights into the exam pattern and enhance your time management abilities. Evaluate your performance in these assessment tests to identify your strengths and areas that need improvement.

3. Time Management:

Divide your remaining time wisely among different subjects and topics to utilise it well. Dedicate additional time to subjects or topics you are not confident about. Make a study schedule and adhere to it consistently. Avoid last-minute cramming and prioritise understanding fundamental concepts.

4. Act as a Topper:

Always remember to stay confident and behave like a topper. This feeling will stop you from being demotivated or negative these days. Talk to your close ones and keep yourself energetic by playing your favourite game or watching your favourite movie. 

5. Stay Healthy:

Don't neglect your health in the last few days before the exam. Ensure you get sufficient sleep, eat balanced meals, and stay well-hydrated. Avoid cramming in the night, as a well-rested mind performs better.

6. Don’t Pick Anything New:

In the race to cover many concepts with different techniques will confuse you in the exam. Don’t pick any new book, formula, concept or technique; just stick to what you have learned and studied in the preparation days.

RPSC RAS Subject-wise Last Minutes Preparation Strategies 

As we don’t have much time left, revise topics from each subject from which questions will be asked in the RPSC RAS Exam 2023. The RPSC RAS Prelim Exam will be conducted for 200 marks, in which questions will be asked from the subjects General Knowledge & General Science. Here are the detailed preparation tips to approach each subject:-


  1. The focus areas for history are: 
  • The Art, Culture, Literature, Tradition & Heritage of Rajasthan, including the rich historical, artistic, cultural, literary, traditional, and heritage aspects of the state of Rajasthan.
  • Indian History:- Ancient & Medieval Period, Modern Period (from early 19th century to 1964)
  1. Revise previous notes, make a chart of important dates and paste it on the gate of your study room to revise that as much as possible.


  1. Focus areas for the Geography are:
  • World Geography 
  • Geography of India
  • Geography of Rajasthan
  1. Revise the factual notes which you have prepared in the preparation period.


  1. Focus areas for the Polity are: 
  • Indian Constitution: Philosophical Postulates
  • Indian Political System
  • State Political System
  • Administrative System
  • Institutions 
  • Public Policy & Rights
  1. Revise each topic and concept with highlighted points that you have marked during the preparation days.


  1. Focus areas for the Economy are: 
  • State Political System
  • Administrative System
  • Institutions 
  • Public Policy & Rights
  • Basic Concepts of Economics
  • Economic Development & Planning
  • Human Resource and Economic Development
  • Social Justice and Empowerment
  • Economy of Rajasthan
  1. Solve some previous year-based questions and online/offline mock tests to check your preparation level.

Science & Technology

  1. Focus areas for Science & Technology are: 
  • Basics of Everyday Science
  • Computers, Information and Communication Technology
  • Defence Technology, Space Technology and Satellites.  Nanotechnology, Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering
  • Food and Nutrition
  • Health care
  • Environmental and Ecological Changes 
  • Biodiversity
  • Agriculture
  • Progress and advancements in the field of Science and Technology
  1. Revise each concept & technique the way you used during the preparation days; don’t try to learn any new concepts in these final days.

Reasoning & Mental Ability

  1. Focus areas for Reasoning & Mental Ability are
  • Logical Reasoning (Deductive, Inductive, Abductive) 
  • Mental Ability
  • Basic Numeracy
  1. Revise each formula by solving problems and try to solve as many problems as possible.

Current Affairs

  1. Focus areas for Current Affairs are
  • Significant ongoing events and crucial issues at the regional level (Rajasthan), national level (India), and international level.
  • Persons, Places and Institutions in News
  • Games and Sports related activities
  1. Revise the past 6 months' current affairs from the examination day.

RPSC RAS Exam Day Instructions 

Some basic points are mentioned below for your reference, which you must follow:  

  • Don't forget to carry essential stationery like pens and pencils.
  • The most important thing is to carry your admit card with a valid ID proof.
  • Read the instructions mentioned on your admit card carefully.
  • Try to reach the exam centre at least half an hour before the reporting time to avoid any minute hustle.
  • Prepare your dress one day before the exam.

Points To Remember

Here, we are providing some basic points you must remember during the exam:-

  • Keep a positive attitude and believe in your abilities.
  • Manage your time effectively, and don't spend too much time on a single question.
  • Mark questions for review if you're unsure about the answers, and return to them later.
  • Read the questions carefully and mark the answers accurately.
  • Follow the instructions provided by the exam invigilators carefully.

RPSC RAS Previous Year Cut-Off

The exam conducting body will release the RPSC RAS cut-off marks 2023 as a PDF document once the exam is conducted successfully. The previous year's cut-off assists candidates in developing their preparation strategy. In the table below, aspirants can find detailed information on the RPSC RAS 2021 Prelims cut-off:

                                                    RPSC RAS Prelims Cut-off 2021


Cut-Off For Male 

Cut-Off For Female 

Cut-Off For Widow 

Cut-Off For DV






General (TSP)








































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