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UPPSC RO/ARO (Preliminary) Exam Day Guide 2023 - Check Do’s & Don’ts

Utkarsh Classes Last Updated 07-02-2025
UPPSC RO/ARO (Preliminary) Exam Day Guide 2023 - Check Do’s & Don’ts

The Uttar Pradesh Public Service Commission (UPPSC) will conduct the highly anticipated UP RO/ARO Preliminary Examination 2023 on February 11, 2024. The preliminary exam for Samiksha Adhikari and Sahayak Samiksha Adhikari will be held in two shifts across various centers in the state. The exam day guidelines were released alongside the UPPSC RO ARO admit card. All registered candidates taking the upcoming Samiksha/Sahayak Samiksha Adhikari examination must follow the guidelines established by the commission. 

Candidates who plan to take the UP RO/ARO Pre. 2023 exam are advised to read this article for instructions on the last date, do's and don'ts. Scroll down this page to learn more about the exam.

UPPSC RO/ARO Prelims 2023 - Overview

Before we begin with the important instructions for the Uttar Pradesh RO/ARO examination, please see the table for a brief overview of important recruitment details below:

                            UPPSC RO/ARO Prelims Exam 2023- Important Updates

Exam Conducting Organization

Uttar Pradesh Public Service Commission

Exam Name

Review Officer/Assistant Review Officer Examination 2023

Examination Mode (Prelims)


UPPSC RO/ARO Prelims Exam Date

11 February 2024

Shift Timings

  • Shift 1 - 09:30 am to 11:30 am
  • Shift 2 - 01:30 pm to 03:30 pm

Job Location

Uttar Pradesh

Note: It is mandatory to follow all of the UPPSC RO ARO exam day guidelines we have mentioned here to avoid making mistakes, which may result in their candidature being disqualified.

Some Important links for UP RO/ARO Prelims 2023

Get all relevant information about the examination by just clicking on the links we have provided here:

UPPSC RO ARO Exam 2023 Instructions - Do’s & Don’ts

Candidates must take note of all of the UPPSC RO ARO exam day guidelines as well as what to do and what not to avoid having their candidature dismissed on the exam day.


  • Arrive at the exam center an hour before the reporting time specified in the UPPSC RO ARO 2024 admit card. It is advisable to familiarise yourself with the exam centre location a day before the exam to avoid any last-minute confusion. 
  • Candidates must appear only at the centre/venue designated by the Commission. No changes in centre/venue are permitted, and no applications will be accepted in this regard.
  • It is necessary to bring a hard copy of the UPPSC RO ARO Prelims Admit Card and valid documents (Photo ID original and photocopy) to the exam center.
  • Candidates must use a black ballpoint pen to fill out the OMR answer sheets. The use of any other pen or pencil is prohibited.
  • During the examination, candidates must correctly fill in all of the details requested on the OMR Answer Sheet by blackening the relevant circles, which can be read by the scanner machine.
  • Candidates taking the upcoming UPPSC RO ARO 2024 Exam must follow the dress code instructions outlined in the admit card. Candidates should dress comfortably to avoid any restrictions upon entering the exam centre.


  • Don’t arrive late or reach after the reporting time mentioned on your admit card. No candidates are permitted to enter the UPPSC RO ARO 2024 exam centre after the gates have been closed and they are not permitted to leave until the exam is completed.
  • In the preliminary examination, there will be a 1/3rd mark deduction for each incorrect answer marked. So don't guess or mark any random option for any question you're unsure about. 
  • Only your roll number should be written on the question paper or OMR sheet. The use of a correction pen in an OMR sheet is strictly prohibited.
  • Avoid communicating with other candidates during the exam, as this will result in the cancellation of your exam.
  • Do not overthink or panic during the exam; this can have a negative impact on your performance.

Instructions for Filling OMR Sheet in UP RO/ARO Exam

Because this exam is administered offline, candidates must carefully fill out the OMR sheets with a black ballpoint pen. They must mark the sheet carefully because they will be unable to change the answers once marked. Here are some important aspects of the OMR sheet to keep in mind while taking the UP RO/ARO preliminary exams.

  • The Commission will evaluate the OMR Answer Sheet solely based on the information provided by blackening the appropriate circles.
  • Do not write anything other than the requested information on the OMR.
  • Fill out the OMR sheet with all of the necessary information in the manner specified by the exam invigilator.
  • It is best to mark your answers in the OMR sheet only after thoroughly reading the question.
  • The Commission will not consider OMR answer sheets that have not been properly blackened and are filled out with incorrect information, for which candidates are solely responsible.
  • Candidates will be given OMR answer sheets in duplicate, i.e. the original and the candidate's copies. After the examination, the candidates must hand over the original copy to the invigilator while keeping their candidate’s copy.

UPPSC RO ARO Pre. Exam 2023: Prohibited Items

According to the UPPSC RO ARO exam day instructions 2024 issued by the commission, candidates are not permitted to bring any electronic devices such as mobile phones, calculators, slide rules, log tables, printed or written material, bits of paper, pagers, or any other communication device restricted inside the exam center. 

Note: If a candidate fails to follow the UPPSC RO ARO exam day instructions, he/she may be disqualified and barred from taking future exams. 

Important Documents to Carry on Exam Day

According to the UPPSC RO ARO prelims exam day instructions 2023, candidates should double-check all of the information printed on the admit card, including their name, date of birth, gender, exam center, category, and so on, to avoid identity verification issues on exam day. In the event of a discrepancy, they must notify the appropriate official as soon as possible.

All candidates who will appear in the upcoming prelims exam must bring the following documents to the UPPSC RO ARO 2023 exam center, as listed below.

  • A hard copy of the valid admit card.
  • One original valid photo ID (with the same name as on the call letter) issued by the government, such as a PAN card, passport, permanent driver's license, voter's card, etc.
  • A photocopy of the above valid Photo ID proof.
  • Two passport-sized photographs.
  • Personal, transparent water bottle.

Additional Tips for UP RO/ARO PRE Exam 2023

Apart from the essential dos and don’ts, here are some additional tips to help you excel in the UPPSC RE/ARO (Prelims) Exam 2023:

  • Allocate less time for each exam question. Do not think for too long or dwell on a single question.
  • Read the instructions on the question paper carefully. Before beginning the exam, read all of the instructions on the question paper and OMR sheet thoroughly.
  • Skip the difficult and time-consuming questions and instead answer the ones you are familiar with first.
  • Maintain your confidence and try to stay optimistic. If you have a positive attitude, you will undoubtedly achieve good exam results.

  All The Best For You UPPSC RO/ARO Prelims!!

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