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HTET Admit Card 2023 Out: Hall Ticket Download Link

Utkarsh Classes Last Updated 07-02-2025
HTET Admit Card 2023 Out: Hall Ticket Download Link

HTET 2023 Admit Card issued by the Board of School Education, Haryana on 24 November 2023 for the HTET 2023. The Haryana TET is scheduled to take place on 2 and 3 December in two different shifts for Level 1: PRT (Class I to V), Level 2: TGT (Class VI to VIII) and Level 3: PGT (Class IX to XII), Those who have successfully applied for the HTET can download their admit card by visiting the official website of the HTET by entering their credentials such as their mobile number and password.

The HTET serves as the pathway to becoming a Primary Teacher (PRT), a Trained Graduate Teacher (TGT), or a Post Graduate Teacher (PGT). Scroll down to the page to check updates on the HTET 2023 Admit Card. 

Haryana TET Admit Card 2023

HTET Admit Card link is available for the candidates to download their HTET 2023 Admit Card. The admit card holds crucial details such as the candidate's name, exam date, timing, reporting time, exam centre, and allocated shift. It's imperative that candidates meticulously examine all information provided on the hall ticket to ensure a seamless experience on the day of the exam. Candidates are advised to download their hall ticket well in advance of the deadline to avoid any last-minute technical issues. 

HTET 2023 Overview

The Haryana Teaching Eligibility Test 2023 is scheduled to take place on 2 and 3 December 2023. Those who are going to appear in the examination can check the table below for updates on HTET 2023:-

                            Haryana TET Exam - Important Updates

Exam Conducting Organization

Board of School Education Haryana (BSEH)

Exam Name

Haryana Teaching Eligibility Test (HTET)

Application Dates

30 October to 10 November 2023

HTET Admit Card 2023 

24 November 2023 

HTET Admit Card Status 2023


Haryana TET Date 2023 

  • PGT:- 2 December 2023
  • PRT/TGT:- 3 December 2023 

Examination Mode



7 years


Level 1: PRT (Class I to V)

Level 2: TGT (Class VI to VIII)

Level 3: PGT (Class IX to XII)

Frequency of Exam


HTET 2023 Exam Schedule Notice 

Click Here

HTET 2023 Schedule

The Board of School Education, Haryana, will conduct the Haryana Teacher Eligibility Test (HTET) across three levels. The HTET Exam 2023 will take place in two shifts: from 10 am to 12:30 pm and from 3 pm to 5:30 pm. Level 1 and Level 2 exams are scheduled for December 3, 2023 (Sunday), while the Level 3 exam will be held on December 2, 2023 (Saturday). Look at this table for a clear picture of the HTET 2023 Exam Schedule:-

                                                  HTET 2023 Schedule 

Exam Level 

Exam Date

Exam Timing

Post Graduate Level- III

2 December 2023

3 pm to 5:30 pm

Trained Graduate Teacher (TGT)- Level- II

3 December 2023

10 am to 12:30 pm

Primary Teacher (PRT)- Level- I

3 December 2023 

3 pm to 5:30 pm

Download HTET Admit Card 2023 

HTET 2023 Admit Card can be downloaded by the HTET official website. To download the HTET Admit Card 2023, follow these sequential steps:

  1. Go to the official Haryana TET website.
  2. Click on the "Login" option located within the "Download Admit card for HTET- 2023" section on the homepage.
  3. Enter your login credentials, including Mobile Number and Password, in the designated fields, then click the login button.
  4. The HTET admit card will be displayed on your screen.
  5. Download the HTET Admit Card 2023 and ensure to print a copy for future reference.

HTET Hall Ticket 2023: Download Link 

The HTET Admit Cards for the Haryana TET Exam 2023 have been issued on 24 November 2023. Candidates can access the download link for the HTET December Admit Card 2023 through the official website. Alternatively, they can directly download their HTET Admit Card 2023 from the provided link below.

HTET Admit Card 2023 Link

HTET Exam Pattern 2023 

Candidates preparing for the Haryana TET 2023, slated for 2 and 3 December 2023, need to familiarize themselves with the HTET 2023 examination pattern to appear for the test. The HTET 2023 examination pattern varies based on the post level you're applying for. Across all three levels, the exam comprises 150 multiple-choice questions, with a duration of 2 hours and 30 minutes for completion. 

The examination will be conducted offline, following a traditional pen-and-paper format. You'll receive one mark for every correct answer. Notably, the exam paper will be available in both Hindi and English languages, ensuring it is bilingual to cater to candidates' preferences. Refer to this table for a clear view:-

                                                 HTET Exam Pattern 2023 


No. of Questions



                                                    Level I: Primary Teacher (PRT)

Child Development & Pedagogy 



02:30 hours


  1. Hindi 
  2. English



General Studies 

  1. Quantitive Aptitude 
  2. Reasoning Ability
  3. Haryana GK & Awareness






Environmental Studies 






02:30 hours

                                                          Level 2: TGT (Class VI to VIII)

Child Development & Pedagogy 



02:30 hours


  1. Hindi 
  2. English



General Studies 

  1. Quantitive Aptitude 
  2. Reasoning Ability
  3. Haryana GK & Awareness



Subject Specific as opted 






02:30 hours

                                                          Level 3: PGT (Class IX to XII)

Child Development & Pedagogy 



02:30 hours


  1. Hindi 
  2. English



General Studies 

  1. Quantitive Aptitude 
  2. Reasoning Ability
  3. Haryana GK & Awareness



Subject Specific as opted 






02:30 hours


The HTET 2023 is scheduled to be held on 2 and 3 December 2023, in two shifts for different levels.

The HTET 2023 will be conducted across three levels: Level 1 (PRT): 3 December 2023 from 3 pm to 5:30 pm Level 2 (TGT): 3 December 2023 from 10 am to 12:30 pm Level 3 (PGT): 2 December 2023 from 3 pm to 5:30 pm

Candidates can download the HTET Admit Card 2023 from the official Haryana TET website. The steps for downloading the admit card are provided in the above-mentioned article.

The HTET Admit Card contains crucial details such as the candidate's name, exam date, timing, reporting time, exam centre, and allocated shift.

The validation period for HTET qualification is 7 years.

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