Saima Wajid of Bangladesh has been sworn in as the Regional Director of the World Health Organisation (WHO) South-East Asia Region on 23 January 2024. WHO's appointment of Saima Wajid as Regional Director of the South-East Asia Region was confirmed by its Executive Board in Geneva, Switzerland.
Wajid defeats Shambhu Prasad Acharya of Nepal:
- Bangladesh's Saima Wajid had won the election to become the Regional Director for South East Asia at the World Health Organisation in New Delhi on 1 November 2023.
- Saima Wajid defeated Shambhu Prasad Acharya of Nepal by six votes in the election to become South East Asia Regional Director.
Saima is the daughter of PM Sheikh Hasina:
- Saima Wajid is the daughter of Bangladesh Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina.
- Saima Wajid has worked extensively on autism.
- Wajid has updated the public health rules of Bangladesh.
- Wajid has also implemented the Mental Health Act of 2018 and the National Mental Health Strategic Plan for 2020-25.
Poonam will take charge from Khetrapal:
- The current WHO Regional Director for South-East Asia Region is Poonam Khetrapal Singh of India. Saima Wajid will take over from Poonam Khetrapal Singh from February 1, 2024.
India had confirmed support to the Bangladeshi candidate:
- India had affirmed its support for the Bangladeshi candidate well in advance for the elections, joining other supporting countries.
About World Health Organisation (WHO):
- Establishment: Established in 1948 as a specialized agency of the United Nations.
- WHO started work from April 7, 1948. Therefore, at present World Health Day is celebrated every year on 7 April.
- Headquarters: Located in Geneva, Switzerland.
- Director-General: Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus
- Currently 194 countries are members of WHO. It has offices in about 150 countries. Along with this, it also has six regional offices.
- WHO is an inter-governmental organisation . It generally works in collaboration with the health ministries of its member states.
- WHO shapes the health research agenda by providing leadership on global health issues. It also sets various health related norms and standards.
- WHO provides technical assistance to countries by articulating evidence-based policy options. It monitors and evaluates health-related trends.
Functions of WHO:
- WHO acts as the directing and coordinating authority on international health-related work.
- WHO works in coordination with government health administrations.
- WHO works with professional groups and other organisations who are leaders in health.
- WHO provides support to strengthen health services at the request of governments.
- WHO promotes collaboration among scientific and professional groups that contribute to health progress.