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High-Altitude Pseudo Satellite Vehicle (HAPS): India's own UAV

Utkarsh Classes Last Updated 07-02-2025
High-Altitude Pseudo Satellite Vehicle (HAPS): India's own UAV Defence 3 min read

The National Aerospace Laboratories (NAL) in Bengaluru has successfully completed the first test of a solar-powered "pseudo-satellite". High-Altitude Pseudo Satellite Vehicle (HAPS) is a new age unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV).

About High-Altitude Pseudo Satellite Vehicle (HAPS):

  • It is a state-of-the-art Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV). This can significantly enhance India's surveillance and its capabilities in border areas.
  • HAPS is a still evolving technology. Its recent successful flight testing by India has placed India in the group of countries which currently have this technology.

Features of HAPS:

  • It can fly at a height of 18-20 km from the ground. This is almost double the altitude achieved by commercial airplanes.
  • HAPS has the capability to generate solar energy.
  • HAPS can remain in the air for months, even years. This feature brings HAPS on par with a satellite.
  • HAPS does not require a rocket to get into space.
  • HAPS operating costs are significantly lower than satellites. Which is usually located at least 200 km away from the Earth.

Applications of HAPS:

  • HAPS is valuable in disaster scenarios.
  • HAPS can also be used to provide mobile communications networks in remote areas.
  • HAPS can even be used in continuous monitoring of border areas to detect changes or activities.

Other important facts about HAPS:

  • HAPS has been developed by India's National Aerospace Laboratories (NAL) as a solar powered UAV for surveillance.
  • HAPS provides satellite-like features.
  • HAPS achieved a test flight duration of 8.5 hours at Challakere, Karnataka.
  • 24 hour flight test for power generation cycle.
  • The deployment target for HAPS is: 2027.
  • Solar powered UAVs last longer than battery powered UAVs.
  • HAPS can also be very useful for disaster response and communications support.
  • NAL focuses on technology and prototyping; Industries to handle manufacturing.

About National Aerospace Laboratories (NAL):

  • NAL is India's second largest aerospace company. It was established in 1959 by the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research in Delhi.
  • The headquarters of NAL was moved to Bangalore in 1960.
  • The NAL firm works closely with Hindustan Aeronautical Limited (HAL), DRDO and ISRO. The NAL firm is responsible for the development of civil aircraft.


Answer:- National Aerospace Laboratory (NAL)

Answer:- Bengaluru

Answer:- It can fly at a height of 18-20 km from the ground.
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