Prime Minister Narendra Modi on 30 July 2023 announced that the government will launch a 'Meri Mati Mera Desh' campaign and Amrit Kalash Yatra in the run up to Independence Day to honour the martyred brave hearts of the country.
In the 103rd episode of his monthly Mann Ki Baat radio broadcast the Prime Minister Modi said as part of the Meri Mati Mera Desh campaign the government will install special inscriptions in lakhs of village panchayats of the country in memory of the martyred brave hearts.
Prime Minister Modi also said that an 'Amrit Kalash Yatra' will also be taken out during the Meri Mati Mera Desh campaign, The Amrit kalash yatra will carry soils in 7500 kalash from villages and various corners of the country. It will reach New Delhi before 15 August 2023.
The 'Amrit Kalash Yatra' will also carry plants from various parts of the country which will be planted as a garden close to the National War Memorial In New Delhi . This garden will be called Amrit Vatika.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi started his mann ki baat programme on radio on 3rd October 2014. Through his mann ki baat programme the prime minister addresses the people of India .