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MP Constable 2023 Notification

Utkarsh Classes Last Updated 07-02-2025
MP Constable 2023 Notification

Madhya Pradesh Employee Selection Board (MPESB) has announced the Madhya Pradesh Police Constable General Duty, Special Armed Forces, and Radio Operator Recruitment Test 2023. Interested candidates can apply online between June 26 and July 10, 2023, for this MPESB Constable recruitment test. Read the following article for details on recruitment eligibility, post information, selection procedure, age limit, salary rate etc.


MP Constable Recruitment Exam 2023: Overview        


Every year, the Madhya Pradesh Professional Examination Board recruits candidates for the roles of GD Constable and Radio Constable. The Madhya Pradesh Police Constable is an employee who serves in the state of Madhya Pradesh, India. The Madhya Pradesh Police Department is responsible for maintaining law and order, preventing crime, and ensuring the safety and security of the people in the state. 


MP Constable 2023 Vacancy


On June 23, 2023, the Madhya Pradesh Professional Examination Board (MPPEB) published a pdf notification for MP Police Constable Vacancy 2023 on its official website. Interested and qualified applicants should apply for the 7411 Constable & Radio Operator positions. 


Candidates can obtain the required information on MP Police Constable Vacancy 2023 by reading this article and the same is also available on the MPESB’s official website. Before applying for the MP Police Constable Vacancy, aspirants should read the entire notice carefully. The download link for the MP Police Constable Notification PDF is available below:



MP Constable 2023 Important Details

Important dates for MP Police Constable Vacancy 2023 have been issued alongside the MP Police Recruitment Notification PDF 2023. On 26 June 2023, the online application opened. Check the table below for further information about the critical dates for MP Police Vacancy 2023: 


Recruiting Body

Madhya Pradesh Professional Examination Board (MPPEB)





Application Mode


Application Start Date

26th June, 2023

Application End Date

10th July, 2023

Official Website


Online Registration Start Date

26 June, 2023

Last Date for Online Registration

10 July, 2023

Last Date for Modification

15 July, 2023

MP Police Constable Vacancy 2023 Exam Date

12 August, 2023


Eligibility Criteria

The Madhya Pradesh Police Department conducts recruitment for the position of Police Constable, which is a highly sought-after job opportunity for individuals interested in a career in law enforcement. To apply for the Madhya Pradesh Police Constable position, candidates must fulfill certain eligibility criteria set by the department. In this blog post, we will provide an overview of the eligibility requirements for aspiring candidates.

(a) Age Limit 2023: 

The age limit for MP Police Constables, including exceptions, is detailed below:

  • The MP Police Constable Exam requires a minimum age of 18 years.

  • The highest age limit for applying for the MP Police Constable examination is 33 years.

  • The age limit for the Reserved Category is 18 years to a maximum of 38 years (with a maximum relaxation of 05 years).

Age Relaxation: The relaxation in age will be given to the candidates of reserve category as per the provision made by state government of Madhya Pradesh. The following are the age restrictions for the MP Police Constable Vacancy 2023:



Maximum Age Limit (years)

Age Limit with COVID-19 Relaxation (years)

MP (Male) UR



MP (Male) EWS



ST Other States (Male/Female)



Female All Category



SC/ST/OBC (Male)



Rulers of all categories/Corporation/Board/Trustee



All Category intercaste married (Male)



All Category intercaste married (Female)



All Category Vikram Award Winner (Male)



All Category Vikram Award Winner (Female)



SC/ST/OBC Vikram Award Winner (Male)




(b) Education Qualification: 

Candidates need to have certain educational qualifications to become eligible for the posts to be filled under this recruitment drive. 

  • The candidate must have completed their Class 10th (or Class 8th for ST candidates) examination from a recognized Board.

  • Candidates for Constable Radio posts must have completed their Class 12th from a recognized Board as well as ITI.


Application Process for MP Constable 


The MP Police Recruitment 2023 online registration procedure is now available. Here are the steps required to register for the MP Police Vacancy 2023:

  • Step 1: Go to the MPPEB's official website or click on the link provided above.

  • Step 2: Select the "Apply Online" option.

  • Step 3: Make a new profile or log in to an existing one.

  • Step 4: Fill out the application form with your personal information, educational qualifications, and any other information requested.

  • Step 5: Attach your scanned photo and signature and then pay the required application fee.

  • Step 6: Now review your form and  proceed to submit the application form.

  • Step 7:  Download and save the application form to your computer for future reference.


Application Fee:


Application Fee


Rs. 500/-


Rs. 250/-


Selection Process

The selection procedure for MP Police Constable Vacancy 2023 will include the following steps: 

  1. Written Exam

  2. Physical Efficiency Test (PET)

  3. Physical Standards Test (PST)

  4. Document Verification

  5. Medical Examination 


Exam Pattern

We have discussed the MP Police Constable Exam Pattern 2023 below.

  • The MP Police Constable exam carries 100 marks.

  • Each question will carry one mark for the correct answer.

  • The exam lasts 120 minutes.

  • There is no Negative Marking in the exam.


Paper 1


No. of Questions


General Knowledge & Reasoning



Intellectual Ability & Mental Ability



Science & Simple Arithmetic







Note: Candidates interested in Constable (Radio) positions must appear in Paper 2 of the MP Police Constable Recruitment 2023. Paper 2 of the MP Police Constable Exam Pattern is provided here.


Paper 2


No. of Questions


General Knowledge and Reasoning



Intellectual Ability and Mental Aptitude



Science and Simple Arithmetic



Computer Networking Software Subjects







MP Police Constables 2023 Physical Standards

Physical fitness is a crucial aspect of a police constable's job. The Madhya Pradesh Police Department conducts physical fitness tests to assess the candidates' physical capabilities. The specific fitness requirements vary but commonly include tests for height, chest circumference, running long jump, and high jump.

Detailed guidelines regarding physical fitness requirements are provided. Candidates must meet the physical standards stipulated by the authorities in order to be considered for the position of MP Police Constable. For more details, see the chart below. 





Male (General, OBC, SC)

168 cm

Relaxed- 81 cm 


Male (ST)

160 cm

Relaxed- 76cm

Expand-81 cm

Female (All Category)

155 cm



MP Police Constable 2023 Syllabus


Applicants must cover the subjects on the official curriculum in order to be considered for the position. As previously stated, the MP Police Constable exam will include questions from a variety of areas.


Examine the syllabus properly which is given below - 


General Knowledge:  Books and Authors, Science and innovations, Important Dates, Music & Literature, National Dance, Famous Places, Tourism spots of Historical Importance, Geography of India, Economic issues in India, National News (current), International issues, Indian Culture, Countries and capitals, Political Science, Scientific observations, About India and its neighbouring countries, World organizations.


Reasoning: Blood Relations, Coding-Decoding, Arithmetical Reasoning, Venn Diagrams, Sequential Output training, Directions, Analogy, Series Completion, Situation Reaction Test, Classification, Data Sufficiency, Alpha-Numeric Sequence Puzzle, Puzzle Test, Paper Folding, Paper Cutting, Cubes and Dice, Water Images, Mirror Images, Figure Matrix.


Intellectual Ability & Mental Ability:  Averages, Numbers and Ages, Mixtures and Allegations, Pipes and Cisterns, Problems on Numbers, Simplification and Approximation, Permutations and Combinations, Time and Work, Partnership, Ratio and Proportion, Boats and Streams, Simple Interest, Time and Distance, Compound Interest, Volumes, Profit and Loss,  L.C.M and H.C.F, Percentages, Probability, Quadratic Equations, Mensuration.


General Science: Laws of Motion, Units and measurements, Thermal properties of matter, Gravitation, Kinetic theory, Wave Optics, Work, energy, and power, Oscillations

Ray optics and optical instruments, Thermodynamics, Motion in a straight line, Moving charges and magnetism, Electric charges and fields, Electromagnetic induction, Current electricity, Atoms, Electromagnetic waves, Organic chemistry, P-block elements group 14 (carbon family), Solutions, Electrochemistry and chemical kinetics, Environmental chemistry, Biomolecules, States of matter: gasses and liquids, Chemistry in everyday life.


MP Police Constables 2023 Admit card


  • Step1:  Visit the MP Police official website https://esb.mp.gov.in/e_default.html

  • Step 2: On the homepage where you will see "Admit Card” button.

  • Step 3: Now, click on this button which contains the link of MP Police Constable Admit Card.

  • Step 4: Now, enter your 13-digit Application Number and Date of Birth in DD/MM/YYYY format and click on the search button to download the hall ticket.

  • Step 5: "MP Police Constable Admit Card 2023" will be displayed. 

  • Step 6: Save the Admit Card and take a print out for future reference. 


MP Police Constable Salary


MP Police Constable Salaries 2023 range from Rs 19,500 to Rs 62,000. The MP Police Constable Recruitment is done in two stages, and qualified candidates receive MP Police Constable Salary 2023. The MP Police Constable Salary 2023 is calculated in accordance with the 7th Pay Commission and government regulations. 

Cut-off Marks for MP Police Constables 2023


We have given the projected MP Police Constable Cut-Off 2022 based on the difficulty level, the number of candidates who applied, and the number of vacancies. The original MP Police Constable Cut-Off 2022, on the other hand, may differ.




















MP Police Constables 2023 Result 

Aspirants should follow the methods below to view the MP Police Constable result from the official website:

  • Step 1: Navigate to the MP Police official website

  • Step 2: On the home page, candidates can view the Result tab which they need to click.

  • Step 3: Now look for "MP Police Constable Result Link" and click on it.

  • Step 4: Now, enter your personal information as 13-digit Application Number/Roll Number and Date of Birth in DD/MM/YYYY format and click on the search button to download and see the result.

  • Step 5: After clicking on the search button, your result will be displayed. 

  • Step:6 Make a copy of the MP Police Constable result for future use.


Preparation Tips

Preparing for the Madhya Pradesh Police Constable recruitment takes a methodical approach as well as perseverance. Here are a few suggestions to help you plan effectively:

  • Begin your study by thoroughly comprehending the exam pattern and material. Create a study plan by becoming acquainted with the issues and sub-topics within each part.

  • Create a study schedule that includes all courses and allows for constant and balanced preparation. To achieve consistent improvement, stick to your study strategy. 

  • The General Knowledge component of the Madhya Pradesh Police Constable test is critical. Keep up with current happenings, particularly those concerning national and international events, sports, honors, government programs, and Madhya Pradesh-specific information.

  • Problem-solving abilities are required in the parts of Mathematics, Reasoning, and Aptitude. To improve your problem-solving ability, practice solving a variety of situations, both simple and complicated. Concentrate on math, algebra, number systems, logical reasoning, and quantitative ability.

  • Physical fitness is also evaluated in the recruitment process, in addition to the written exam. Maintain a consistent exercise regimen to enhance your endurance, stamina, and general fitness. To prepare for the physical fitness tests, engage in activities such as running, jogging, swimming, and strength training.

  • Remember that consistency, dedication, and perseverance are essential for success in the Madhya Pradesh Police Constable recruitment. Good luck with your planning!



Q1. What is the educational requirement for MP Police Constable 2023 recruitment?

Ans. The completion of the 10th standard (Matriculation) from a recognized board or institution is usually necessary for MP Police Constable 2023 recruitment. 


Q2. How many steps are there in the MP Police Constable test?

Ans. The five stages of the selection procedure are a written test, a PST/PET, document verification, interview, and a medical round.


Q3. Is there any negative marking system in the MP Police Constable Exam?

Ans. There is a negative marking system in the MP Police Constable exam for incorrect responses.


Q4. When will the MP Police Constable results be announced?


Ans. The MP Police Constable Result will likely be published one month after the written test (tentatively).


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