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India becomes Chair of ISO for 2024 to lead global sugar sector

Utkarsh Classes Last Updated 07-02-2025
India becomes Chair of ISO for 2024 to lead global sugar sector Summit and Conference 7 min read

The International Sugar Organization (ISO) announced during its 63rd Council meeting at its London headquarters that India will be the Chair of the organization for the year 2024. Leading the global sugar sector is a major achievement for the country and reflects the country's growing stature in the region.

  • India was led by Food Secretary Sanjeev Chopra at the 63rd Council Meeting of ISO.

India's priority as chair of ISO:

  • India's top priority will be to take decisions with the support and cooperation of all Member States during its Presidency of ISO in 2024. Along with this, India will also focus on bringing together all the member countries to adopt more sustainable practices in sugarcane cultivation, sugar and ethanol production and better utilization of by-products.

Why was India given the presidency of ISO?

  • India has been the largest consumer and second largest producer of sugar in the world. With about 15 per cent share in global sugar consumption and about 20 percent of sugar production, Indian sugar trends greatly influence global markets.
  • This leading position makes India the best suited nation to lead the International Sugar Organization (ISO), the apex international body on sugar and related products.

International Sugar Organization (ISO):

  • ISO is a unique intergovernmental organization established in 1968 by the International Sugar Agreement. Its headquarters is in London.
  • ISO was established as the body responsible for the administration of various aspects of sugar such as production, distribution, etc. at the global level.
  • The ISO has about 90 countries as its members.

India is the third largest country in the world in ethanol production:

  • In the global sugar market, Brazil is the leading country in the Western Hemisphere and India is the leading country in the Eastern Hemisphere.
  • India, being the world's third largest country in ethanol production after the US and Brazil, demonstrated its commitment to green energy and its strategy and ability to transform the challenges of surplus sugar in the domestic market into a solution to fossil fuel imports. 
  • It has been introduced as a tool to meet the COP 26 goals.

Continuous increase in percentage of ethanol blending in India:

  • Ethanol blending percentage in India has increased from 5 per cent in 2019-20 to 12 per cent in 2022-23. During the same period, production has increased from 173 crore liters to more than 500 crore litres.
  • Prime Minister Modi announced at the G20 Energy Ministers meeting that India has launched 20% ethanol-blended petrol in 2023 and aims to cover the entire country by 2025.
  • The National Policy on Biofuels 2018 also provides an indicative target of 20% ethanol blending under the ethanol blending program by the year 2025.
  • This step of the government reflects India's commitment to reduce dependence on fossil fuels and promote sustainable energy solutions.


  • Ethanol is a biofuel produced from various sources like sugarcane, corn, rice, wheat, biomass etc. It is also called ethyl alcohol.
  • Ethanol is a form of pure alcohol that can be mixed with petrol to create a clean fuel option.
  • Its production process involves fermentation of sugar by yeast or through petrochemical processes such as ethylene hydration.
  • In India, ethanol is produced from jaggery made from sugarcane and other grains like rice, corn, wheat etc.

India succeeded in keeping sugar prices stable:

  • While global prices currently rise by about 40 per cent in a year, India has been able to control sugar prices within a 5 per cent increase from last year without putting additional burden on the sugar industry.
  • Also on the technical side, National Sugar Institute, Kanpur has expanded its reach and is collaborating with many countries including Indonesia, Nigeria, Egypt, Fiji etc. to share the latest technologies and best practices in this field.

Current status of sugar production in India:

  • The sugar industry in India is the second largest agro-based industry after cotton.
  • Sugar industries are generally established in two main areas of production - Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Haryana and Punjab in North India, while Maharashtra, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu and Andhra Pradesh in South India.
  • Due to the tropical climate of South India it is suitable for higher sucrose yield giving higher yield per unit area as compared to North India. Hence, more sweetness is found in the sugarcane of South India.
  • Top Sugarcane Producing States in India: Uttar Pradesh > Maharashtra > Karnataka.
  • Indian Sugar Mills Association (ISMA) is a major sugar organization in India.
  • Geographical conditions favorable for sugarcane cultivation:

    • Temperature: Between 21-27 °C with hot and humid climate.
    • Rainfall: About 75-100 cm.
    • Soil: Loam soil.


Answer:- India

Answer:- London

Answer:- London

Answer:- Second (With about 15 per cent share in global sugar consumption and about 20 per cent of sugar production, Indian sugar trends greatly influence global markets.)

Answer:- About 90 countries are members of the International Sugar Organization.

Answer:- India is the world's third largest country in ethanol production;
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