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SSC MTS Result 2023 RELEASED - Check Merit List PDF

Utkarsh Classes Last Updated 07-02-2025
SSC MTS Result 2023 RELEASED - Check Merit List PDF

SSC MTS Result 2023 was declared by the Staff Selection Commission (SSC) on 2nd September 2023. Individuals who participated in the Computer-Based Examination (Paper-I) for the Multi-Tasking (Non-Technical) Staff and Havaldar (CBIC & CBN) Examination in 2022,  can check their Tier 1 Result 2023 by visiting the official website of SSC.

SSC MTS Tier 1 Result Out

The Commission has conducted SSC MTS Tier 1 exam in two phases i.e. from 02.05.2023 to 19.05.2023 and from 13.06.2023 to 20.06.2023 at different centers nationwide. Those candidates who took part in the examination can now access the SSC MTS Result.  A total of 3015 candidates have been selected to appear in the next stage of the selection process (that is PET/PST for the post of Havildar).

SSC MTS 2023 Result: Overview   

The SSC MTS 2023 CBT Exam Result was declared on 2nd September 2023 for the candidates who appeared in the SSC MTS exam which was conducted in two phases from 2nd to 19th May and 13th to 20th June 2023. The SSC MTS Result for Havaldar posts can be checked from the official website or this article. Refer to this table for a brief overview:-

SSC MTS Result Update 2023 

Exam Conducting Body 

Staff Selection Commission

Exam Name 

Multi Tasking (non-technical) Staff, and Havaldar (CBIC & CBN) Examination, 2022

SSC MTS Tier 1 Exam Date 

2nd May to 20th June 2023

SSC MTS Result Date 

2nd September 2023

SSC MTS Result Status 


SSC MTS Selection Process

  • Paper-1 (Objective) 
  • Physical Efficiency Test (PET) / Physical Standard Test (PST) (applicable exclusively for the Havaldar position) 
  • Document Verification

Download The SSC MTS Result 2023

Candidates who have appeared in SSC MTS Tier 1 exam can download SSC MTS Result 2023 PDF by following these steps:-

  1. Visit the SSC’s official website.
  2. On the homepage, find the "Result" section, which is typically marked in orange.
  3. Click on the "Others" tab within the "Result" section.
  4. Check the specific result link for "Multi-Tasking (Non-Technical) Staff" and "Havildar (CBIC & CBN) Examination, 2023" for the posts you applied for.
  5. After clicking on the respective link, you will see the SSC MTS Result 2023 Merit List displayed in PDF format on your screen. 
  6. Scroll through the list to find the names and roll numbers of candidates who have qualified for the next round of the SSC MTS 2023 exam.
  7. To quickly check if your name or roll number is on the list, press "Ctrl+F" on your keyboard, which opens a search bar.    
  8. In the search bar, enter your Name or Roll Number. 
  9. If your Name or Roll Number appears in the search results within the list, congratulations! You have successfully qualified in the SSC MTS 2023 Tier 1.

SSC MTS Tier 1 Result Link

On September 2, 2023, the Staff Selection Commission (SSC) made an official announcement regarding the SSC MTS and Havaldar exam results for the year 2023. These results are now accessible on the official SSC website in PDF format. The PDF file includes the names and roll numbers of candidates who successfully passed the SSC MTS exam. The direct link of SSC MTS 2023 Result and SSC MTS Merit List PDF is given below, Just click on the link of SSC MTS Cut-Off Marks 2023 and MTS Merit List 2023.

SSC MTS Cut-off Marks 2023              

SSC MTS Merit List 2023                

SSC MTS Shortlisted Candidates 2023

The classification of candidates into their respective groups who have been provisionally shortlisted to appear in the Physical Efficiency Test (PET) or Physical Standard Test (PST) for the Havaldar position is as follows:


Shortlisted candidates 

















Other PWD






SSC MTS 2023: Qualifying Marks

In addition to the SSC MTS Cut-off 2023, candidates are required to attain a minimum qualifying percentage in the Computer-Based Test (CBT) Exam. These percentages vary based on the candidate's category. Have a look at this table for category-wise qualifying marks:-

                                                  SSC MTS Qualifying Marks 2023


Minimum Qualifying Percentage








SSC MTS Tier 1 result for the Havildar post has been declared and shortlisted candidates are eligible to appear in the PET/ PST. The commission hasn’t announced the SSC MTS PET/PST dates yet. The timetable for the Physical Efficiency Test (PET) and Physical Standard Test (PST) for the Havaldar positions will be announced on the Commission's official website in due course. Candidates are encouraged to stay connected with the commission's official website for any forthcoming updates.

SSC MTS Final Answer Key 2023

The SSC MTS Tier 1 result has been announced following a thorough review of representations submitted by candidates concerning the Answer Keys. Any necessary modifications to the Answer Keys have been made after careful consideration. The final SSC MTS Answer Keys have been used for evaluation. SSC MTS 2023 Final Answer Keys and marks of the qualified/non-qualified candidates will be uploaded on the website of the Commission after the declaration of the final result of the examination. 


The SSC MTS Result 2023 was declared on September 2, 2023.

To verify your SSC MTS Tier 1 Result 2023, you can access the official Staff Selection Commission (SSC) website and follow the instructions outlined in the article.

The selection procedure for SSC MTS 2023 encompasses Paper-1 (Objective), Physical Efficiency Test (PET)/ Physical Standard Test (PST) (for the Havaldar position), and Document Verification.

The specified minimum qualifying scores for SSC MTS 2023 vary according to the candidate's category. For General/UR, it stands at 30%, for OBC/EWS, it is 25%, and for SC/ST/Others, it is 20%.

The schedule for the Physical Efficiency Test (PET) and Physical Standard Test (PST) for Havaldar positions will be published on the Commission's official website at a later date. Candidates are advised to regularly check the official website for the most recent updates.

The final SSC MTS Answer Keys and marks of both qualified and non-qualified candidates will be posted on the Commission's website subsequent to the announcement of the final examination results.

A total of 3,015 candidates were provisionally shortlisted for appearing in the PET/PST for the post of Havaldar based on their performance in the Computer-Based Examination (CBE)

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