Spain has become the 99th member of the International Solar Alliance (ISA) . This information was given by the Ministry of External Affairs spokesman Randhir Jaiswal on 22 May 2024. Spain has ratified the International Solar Alliance Instrument of Ratification and has deposited it with the ISA Head of Depository. India is the host country of the International Solar Alliance and the Joint Secretary in the External Affairs Ministry Abhishek Singh is the Head of Depository at the moment .
India and France conceived the idea of the International Solar Alliance as part of the effort to mobilize the countries to use solar energy to counter global warming and climate change. The Indian prime minister Narendra Modi and the French president Francoise Hollande agreed to set up the International Solar Alliance during the sidelines of the 21st Conference of Parties (COP21) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) held in Paris in 2015.
Initially countries which lie between the Tropic of Cancer to Tropic of Capricorn were eligible to be the member of the International Solar Alliance .
At the first founding conference of the International Solar Alliance (ISA co hosted by prime minister Narednra Modi and the French president Emmanuel Macron at New Delhi on 11 March 2018 the Framework Agreement of the ISA was amended.
The amended framework allowed all members of the United Nations to become members of the ISA.
From 15 July 2020 the membership of the International Solar Alliance was open to all members of the United Nations.
The ISA aims to bring together the countries of the world to promote the extensive use of solar energy as a counter to fossil fuels. Solar energy is considered to be more environment friendly than fossil fuels like coal, petroleum oils etc.
The ISA aims to seek commitments from international organisations, private sector to provide affordable finance for deployment of solar mini grids, rooftop installations and solar e-mobility technologies in the urban and rural areas.
119 countries have till date signed the ISA Framework Agreement. 99 countries have ratified and submitted the necessary International Solar Alliance Instrument of Ratification to become a full member.
Headquarters of ISA: Gurugram , Haryana
Spain is located in the Iberian peninsula of southwest Europe.
Spain is a constitutional monarchy and is ruled by an elected government.
It is a member of the European Union and part of the EuroZone. Euro Zone refers to the countries of the European Union who have abolished their currency and adopted a common currency euro.
Capital : Madrid
Prime Minister :Pedro Sanchez
Currency: Euro