Orbital, a story set in space, won the prestigious literary prize, Booker prize 2024, for the British author Samantha Harvey. It is the first Booker prize for Samantha Harvey and first since 2019 to be won by a female author.
The winner of the Booker Prize 2024 was announced at a ceremony in London, England, on 12 November 2024. At the function, Samantha Harvey was awarded the Booker Prize trophy and £ 50,000 in prize money.
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The novel Orbital was written by Samantha Harvey during the lockdown imposed due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The story describes a single day in the life of the six astronauts on board a space station orbiting the Earth. During the 24 hours, they observe 16 sunrises and 16 sunsets across the globe.
The 136-page story is the second shortest book to win the Booker Prize. The shortest novel to win the prize was Penelope Fitzgerald’s 132 pages Offshore, published in 1979.
Previously, Samantha’s first novel, The Wilderness, was shortlisted for the prize in 2009.
Samantha Harvey's other works include The Western Wind, Dear Thief, The Shapeless Unease: A Year of Not Sleeping, The Wilderness, and All is Song.
Six books, including Offshore, were shortlisted for the 2024 Booker Prize.
The other five nominees were:
The other nominees were:
So far, three Indian authors have won the Booker Prize.
The only Indian to win the award is Geetanjali Shree. She won the 2022 award for her Hindi novel 'Tomb of Sand' (रेत समाधि).