Prime Minister Narendra Modi inaugurated the world's largest corporate office centre, 'Surat Diamond Bourse' (SDB), on 17 December 2023. Earlier on the same day, Prime Minister Modi had inaugurated the new terminal building of Surat Airport.
- This SDB office complex is designed for the global landscape of rough and polished diamond trading.
- Located within the Diamond Research and Mercantile City, Surat Diamond Bourse is part of Prime Minister Modi's flagship projects.
About Surat Diamond Bourse (SDB):
- SDB has been constructed in Khajod village near Surat. This market is part of the Diamond Research and Trade (Dream) City.
- This building has been constructed on 35.54 acres (67 lakh square feet) at a cost of Rs 3400 crore.
- A total of nine towers have been constructed in SDB, each tower having up to 15 floors.
- This complex of 4,700 offices is an important step towards strengthening the diamond industry.
- Surat Diamond Bourse will be the world's largest and modern centre for international diamond and jewellery trading.
- This SDB will be a global hub for trading in rough and polished diamonds as well as jewellery.
- It has a modern customs clearance facility for import and export. Besides, there are also facilities like a jewellery mall, international banking and safe deposit box for retail jewellery business.
Features of Surat Diamond Bourse:
- Excellent use of architecture has been made in Surat Diamond Bourse.
- It holds the record as the world's largest interconnected building.
- SDB is the world's largest office complex. This office complex is bigger than America's Pentagon (65 lakh square feet).
SDB as a global trading hub:
- Surat Diamond Bourse can accommodate 4,200 traders from 175 countries. Surat Diamond Bourse aims to become the hub of global diamond trading.
- This ambitious venture is expected to generate employment for approximately 1.5 lakh people.
- SDB will provide a unique platform to diamond buyers to engage in seamless trade.
- About 90% of the world's rough diamonds are cut and polished in Surat before reaching buyers in countries like the US and China.
- SDB now aims to centralize this thriving industry under one roof.
New Terminal Building of Surat Airport:
- PM Modi inaugurated the new terminal building of Surat Airport on 17 December. This terminal has been completed at a cost of about Rs 160 crore.
- Along with this, the Central Government gave the status of international airport to Surat Airport.