Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan formally launched the Mukhya Mantri Krishak Mitra Yojana for farmers in the state on 20 September 2023 . He formally launched the yojana by filling the online form for the scheme on behalf of farmer Namita of Harda .
The ceremony to formally launch the scheme was held at the Kushabhau Thakre International Convention Center in Bhopal.
The Mukhya Mantri Krishak Mitra Yojana was approved by the Madhya Pradesh cabinet on 16 December 2022 and was launched on 20 December 2022.
Under the scheme farmers will be provided permanent pump connections upto 3 horsepower or more within 200 metres of the electric poll for irrigation purpose.
Work related to installation of transformers, laying of cable lines , maintenance all will be the responsibility of the power distribution company।The farmers will not have to pay any money.
The scheme will remain effective for 2 years.
Shivraj Singh Chouhan has recently announced various schemes in the states like Ladli Bahna Yojana ,subsidised LPG scheme for women etc.
The Madhya Pradesh Legislative Assembly term ends in January 2024 and an election to elect 230 members of a new Legislative Assembly is expected in November 2023.