Tamil Nadu Chief Minister M K Stalin inaugurated India’s first glass bridge over the sea in Kanyakumari on 31st December 2024. The glass bridge connects the Vivekananda Rock Memorial and the 133-foot Thiruvalluvar statue in the Kanyakumari district.
The glass bridges are made of laminated glass or toughened glass, are transparent, and are built in tourist places especially in the mountainous regions so that the tourists can experience breathtaking scenes.
The longest glass bridge in India is located in Vagamon, Kerala which is 40 meters long and at an altitude of 3600 feet.
The opening of the bridge marked the inauguration of the Silver Jubilee of the unveiling of the Tamil poet Thiruvalluvar statue by the late chief minister and father of M K Stalin, M Karunanidhi.
Chief Minister Stalin also announced that his government would celebrate the last week of every December as “Thirukkural week” to spread the poet's teaching in his renowned work “Thirukkural”.
The bridge in Kanyakumari is 77 meters long, 10 meters wide, and 133 feet high.
The tourists visiting these two tourist places used to take a ferry, but can now also walk over the glass bridge to visit these tourist places.
The 37-crore project to build the glass bridge is part of the state government initiative to boost tourism in the area.
Zhangjiajie Glass Bridge in the Hunan province of China is the world's highest and longest glass bridge. It is 430 meters long, 6 meters wide, and 300 meters above the ground
The longest glass bridge in India is located in Vagamon, Idukki district of Kerala. It is a cantilevered glass bridge that is 40 meters long and at an altitude of 3600 feet.