In the district of Malerkotla, Punjab, a unique initiative has been launched by the District Election Officer and Deputy Commissioner, Dr. Pallavi. The initiative involves the launch of a special website called 'Booth Raabta', which aims to provide election-related information to the people of the district.
- The website,, not only helps voters but also polling personnel in any circumstances.
- The initiative has been appreciated by the Deputy Election Commissioner of India, Hirdesh Kumar, and the Punjab Chief Electoral Officer, Sibin C.
- The website, which means 'Booth Contact', is a unique initiative of the Malerkotla district authorities. According to Dr. Pallavi, the Deputy Commissioner of Malerkotla district, Booth Raabta will guide people of the district on various election-related issues.
- For the first time, young voters can download certificates through the website, and voters can also rate any polling station.
- Additionally, keeping in mind the heat wave season, the website also includes arrangements for calling ambulances and information about government hospitals at one click.
Detailed information received
- The Chief Electoral Officer of Punjab, Sibin C., has sought detailed information from all districts regarding liquor and drug seizures after the enforcement of the Model Code of Conduct.
- Additionally, information has been obtained about the steps taken by various districts to increase voter turnout, webcasting arrangements, and preparations made at polling stations.
- Sibin C. has assured the Commission that the Lok Sabha elections will be conducted without any pressure and in a fair and free manner. He also mentioned that special attention is being given this time to increase the number of model polling stations by emulating the cultural themes of the state to attract maximum voters and make the entire voting experience a pleasant and enriching one.