Prime Minister Narendra Modi has inaugurated the 7th edition of India Mobile Congress at Bharat Mandapam, New Delhi on 27 october, 2023.
- The Prime Minister will also award 100 ‘5G Use Case Labs’ to educational institutions across the country. 100 ‘5G Use Case Labs’ will be developed under the ‘100 5G labs initiative’.
About Indian Mobile Congress 2023
Theme of 7th India Mobile Congress (IMC) is 'Global Digital Innovation'.
Aim of the Indian Mobile Congress 2023 to strengthen India’s position as a developer, manufacturer, and exporter of key cutting-edge technologies.
- The three day congress will highlight technologies such as 5G, 6G, Artificial intelligence (AI) and discuss issues pertaining to semiconductor industry, cybersecurity, green technology etc.
Components of Indian Mobile Congress 2023
This year, Indian Mobile Congress 2023 is introducing a startup program - 'Aspire'. It will foster connections between startups, investors, and established businesses with an aim to catalyze fresh entrepreneurial initiatives and collaborations.
100 5G labs initiative:
- The ‘100 5G labs initiative’, is an initiative to realize the opportunities associated with 5G technology by encouraging development of 5G applications which cater, both to India’s unique needs as well as the global demands.
- The unique initiative will foster innovation across various socioeconomic sectors like agriculture, education, health, transportation, power, etc, and propel the country into the forefront of usage of 5G technology.
- The initiative is also a central step for building a 6G-ready academic and start-up ecosystem in the country. Along with that the initiative is a move towards development of indigenous telecom technology which is crucial for national security.
About India Mobile Congress (IMC)
- India Mobile Congress (IMC) is considered as the largest telecom, media, and technology forum in Asia.
- Organisers of India Mobile Congress (IMC) are the Department of Telecommunications (DoT) and the Cellular Operators Association of India (COAI).
- IMC brings together industry, government, academia, and other ecosystem players to discuss, deliberate, demonstrate and display the latest trends in the realm of TMT and ICT.
- It is considered as the biggest technology event in Asia, also the biggest networking event in India in the technology space.
- Its mission is to catapult India into the limelight, becoming a beacon of the all-encompassing digital transformation shaping the future through an immersive showcase of revolutionary innovations.