Supreme Court Justice Aniruddha Bose has been appointed as the new director of the National Judicial Academy (NJC), Bhopal. Supreme Court Chief Justice DY Chandrachud had announced the decision to appoint him during a ceremonial bench held on April 10 in honor of the retired judge.
About National Judicial Academy (NJA):
- The National Judicial Academy (NJA) in Bhopal was established in 1993 as an independent society under the Societies Registration Act, 1860. NJA is a fully funded by the Government of India.
- The NJA works under the instructions of the Supreme Court of India.
- The mandate of the NJA is to conduct training to assist judges in their adjudicative role and in the performance of court administration work.
- A Governing Council (GC) and General Body (GB) are established to control the functioning of the NJA. The Chief Justice of India is the Chairman of both the GC and GB of the NJA.
Main training programmes conducted by NJA:
- The National Judicial Academy conducted a total of 347 educational programmes from 2017 to February 2023.
- 12055 judges, judicial officers, high court judges, members of tribunals and foreign judges participated in them.
- These include regional conferences and special events which are the flagship programs of the National Judicial Academy. 19 newspapers have been published from 2017 to February 2023. The newspaper of NJA covers the academic activities of the Academy.
About Justice Aniruddha Bose:
- Aniruddha Bose was born on 11 April 1959 in Kolkata. Justice Bose passed higher secondary from St. Lawrence High School, Kolkata and completed LLB from Surendranath Law College. After his nomination, Aniruddha Bose started practising constitutional, civil and intellectual property matters in the Calcutta High Court in 1985.
- In January 2004, he was appointed as a permanent judge of the Calcutta High Court.
- On August 11, 2018, he was elevated as the Chief Justice of Jharkhand High Court.
- Justice Bose was elevated as a judge of the Supreme Court on May 24, 2019.
- Justice Aniruddha Bose has retired from the Supreme Court on 10 April 2024.
- While bidding farewell to Justice Bose, Chief Justice Chandrachud called him ideally suited for the post of Director of the Judicial Academy.
- Justice Aniruddha Bose is a classical Bengali gentleman. His nature is that of a good listener and a true intellectual. He is an avid reader with keen interest in literature, history, politics, linguistics. Besides being a brilliant judge, he was also a brilliant lawyer, before being elevated to the Calcutta High Court in 2004. He has the unique experience of working in an intellectual property law firm prior to his promotion.