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Rajasthan's Folk Music: A Soulful Symphony of Vibrant Music

Utkarsh Classes Last Updated 07-02-2025
Rajasthan's Folk Music: A Soulful Symphony of Vibrant Music Rajasthan 5 min read

Folk music is a reflection of natural outpourings of the felt experience of the common people. The basis of the folk music are the folk songs, which are sung on various festivals and ceremonies in chorus. Use of folk instruments enhances their melody.

Folk songs are the musico-poetic compositions of that group of people whose literature is enshrined in the oral tradition. 

Folk music cannot be compared with classical music as the former is for almost every occasion — family and social functions, seasons, sacraments, festivals, gods and goddesses, ceremonials and rituals. Classical music is canonical and is required to be learnt whereas folk music is a spontaneous outpouring of the sentiments and emotions.

Categories of Folk music 

  1. Songs of Common Man:

The first category of folk music includes those songs which are sung by people on different occasions. 

  • Marriage: Before marriage, the bridegroom is invited by relatives and while returning, a song related to ‘bindola’ (bindoli) is sung. On the departure of the bridegroom, at the time of ghudchadi, ‘ghodi’ is sung. Females of the bride's family going to see the location of janvasa find mention in ‘jala’ songs. The songs that are sung on the birth of a child are called ‘jaccha’ songs. These songs sing the praise of the expectant mother, joy of growth of family and blessings for the child.

  • Seasonal Songs: Songs related to winter, summer, rainy and spring season like faag, beejan, shiala, barahmaasa, holi, chaiti, and kajli, jaada are important. Songs of sawan month include choumasa, papaiyo, badli, mor and songs in praise of Indra.
  • Deities Songs: Kaman, songs related to ‘Krishna Leela' and ‘Languriya’ songs sung by the devotees of Kela Devi are very popular in the Karauli region.
  1. Professional Songs:

Second category includes those songs which evolved in a feudal environment. Many castes sang songs in praise of their patron king or feudal lords etc. to earn their bread and butter. 

  • Mand singing of Rajasthan is famous the world over. The song padharo mhare des by famous mand singer Padma Shri Allah Jillai Bai is an open invitation to tourists to visit Rajasthan. 
    • Various types of mand are prevalent in different areas with some variations, e.g. Udaipur Ki Mand, Jodhpur Ki Mand, Jaipur-Bikaner Ki Mand, Jaisalmer Ki Mand etc.
  • Ragas: Mand, Des, Sorath, Maru, Paraj, Kalingda, Jjogiya, Asawari, Bilawal, Peelu, Khamaj etc
  1. Regional Songs:

The third category consists of songs in which regional features are abundantly visible.

  • Mewar: Patelya, bichhiya, lalar, machar, nokhila, thari unta ri aswari, navri aswari, shikar etc.
  • Marwar: Kurjaa, Pipli, Rattan Rano, Mumal, Ghughri, Kevda are some outstanding folk songs of this region. Kamad, Bhopey, Langas, Mirasi, Kalawant are the major musician castes of the region.
  • Eastern Plain: Bhakti and Sringar Ras songs.


Answer. Folk songs of Rajasthan specially in Mewar region

Answer. Kaila Devi

Answer. She was Mand singer and sung padharo mhare des
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