Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar inaugurated the country's largest centralized laundry in the premises of the Nalanda Medical College and Hospital (NMCH) in Patna.
Key Highlights of the news
Laundry at NMCH is the country's largest centralised laundry.
- CM Nitish Kumar also laid foundation stone for another 100-bed prefabricated hospital which will be set up on the first floor of the Laundry Bhavan.
- CM Nitish Kumar inspected the new facility and inquired about its functioning and arrangements from the NMCH officials after inaugurating the centralized laundry,
- State’s health department hired a private agency for running the centralized laundry which would wash the bed-sheets, towels and other clothes used by the important medical institutions like the Patna Medical College and Hospital (PMCH), NMCH and the Indira Gandhi Institute of Cardiology (IGIC), a health department.
- The centralized laundry, which is equipped with modern equipment, can wash clothes up to 10 to 12 tons per day.
- All 100 beds in the prefabricated field hospital have an arrangement of oxygen supply through a pipeline.
- The hospital, set up on the prefabricated technique, has six chambers for doctors, seven nurse stations, one operation theater, one X-ray room, one isolation room, one gym and one blood sample collection center.
- The prefabricated 100-bed hospital will be completed in the next three months.