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UPPSC Assistant Town Planner Recruitment 2023 Notification

Utkarsh Classes Last Updated 07-02-2025
UPPSC Assistant Town Planner Recruitment 2023 Notification

Uttar Pradesh Public Service Commission (UPPSC) has released a notification for the posts of Assistant town planner (ATP) in Uttar Pradesh state. The candidates selected through this recruitment will be appointed to the Housing & Urban Planning Department of the U.P. Government. Candidates graduated from town, and country planning can appear in this exam. As per the UPPSC Assistant Town Planner notification 2023 the nature of this post refers to Group B as "Non-Gazetted". Online applications for Assistant Town Planner (ATP) are now open, and candidates can start their application after checking all the important information mentioned in the article below. 

UPPSC Assistant Town Planner Recruitment 2023: Overview 

The UP public service commission has released notification on 14 August 2023 through advertisement no. A-2/E-1/2023. Candidates will be recruited to the positions of Assistant Town Planner (ATP) through this recruitment exam. All important information such as eligibility, exam pattern, syllabus, application dates etc. are mentioned in the article below: 

Exam Conducting Board 

Uttar Pradesh Public Service Commission (UPPSC)

Post Name

Assistant Town Planner

Total Vacancies


Application Mode


Apply Online Dates

14 August 2023 - 21 September 2023

Official Notification 

English PDF / Hindi PDF 

Date Extended Notification 


UPPSC Official Website


UPPSC Assistant Town Planner Recruitment 2023: Important Dates 

Candidates having a degree in town and country planning and wishing to join as an Assistant Town Planner should be aware of all important dates of UPPSC ATP recruitment 2023. According to official notification, the application for this recruitment started on 14 August 2023. Candidates can check all important dates for UPPSC Assistant Town Planner should check the dates as follows: 


Important Date

UPPSC Assistant Town Planner Apply Online Starts

14 August 2023

UPPSC Assistant Town Planner Last Date to Apply Online

21 September 2023

Last Date to Pay Application Fees

21 September 2023

UPPSC ATP Admit Card release date 

Will be announced soon

UPPSC Assistant Town Planner Exam Date 2023

Will be announced soon

UPPSC ATP Result Date 

Will be announced soon

UPPSC Assistant Town Planner Recruitment 2023 :Total Vacancies 

The UP public service commission has released notification through advertisement no. A-2/E-1/2023. The public service commission of Uttar Pradesh has released a total 24 vacancies. Candidates can check category wise vacancy distribution as follows: 



General (UR)


Scheduled Caste (SC)


Other Backward Class (OBC)


Economically Weaker Section (EWS)


Total Posts


UPPSC Assistant Town Planner Recruitment 2023: Eligibility Criteria 

The Uttar Pradesh public service commission (UPPSC) has derived a few eligibility criteria for all category candidates. Every Candidate should meet all eligibility criteria to appear in this recruitment exam. These criteria are education, age limit etc. Candidates should satisfy these criteria as follows: 

Educational Qualification

The UP public service commission has set educational qualification criteria for candidates wishing to apply for ATP recruitment 2023. Candidates can check UPPSC ATP educational qualification as follow: 

  • Candidates should possess a degree or postgraduate diploma in town and country planning from a recognized board. 
  • Membership of either Institute of Planners, Indian / American Institute of Town Planners / Institute of Town Planners (London) or any equivalent qualification. 

Age limit 

Candidates satisfying educational qualifications must double check age limit criteria set by the board. Each Candidate applying for UPPSC ATP recruitment should satisfy the age limit as follows: 

  • The candidate’s age should be between 21 years to 40 years. This means the candidate must be born between 02 July 1983 to 01 July 2002. 

The UP public service commission also offers relaxation in the upper age limit. Candidates belonging from the reserved category will be benefited by the upper age relaxation. The upper age relaxation is as follows: 


Age relaxation 

Scheduled Caste (SC) / Scheduled Tribes (ST)

05 Years

U.P. Skilled Players / U.P. Govt Employee 

05 Years

Other Backward Class (OBC)

05 Years

Physically Handicapped (PH) of U.P. 

15 Years 

Ex Serviceman

03 Years 

UPPSC Assistant Town Planner 2023 Apply Online 

Candidates wishing to apply for UPPSC Assistant Town Planner recruitment should follow easy steps to apply online. To apply for the UPPSC ATP recruitment examination 2023, candidates should have an OTR number with them. With OTR application submission, it will be possible. After successfully registering and getting your OTR number, follow these steps:

Step 1: Go to UPPSC's official website at https://uppsc.up.nic.in/ 

Step 2: Search the Notification / Advertisement section on the left side. 

Step 3: Click on All Notification / Advertisement. 

Step 4: On the new page, the application form will open. 

Step 5: Click on Apply, and now click on “Authenticate with OTR”. 

Step 6: Fill your OTR number and click on proceed. 

Step 7: After authentication, all information of the candidate will be shown on the page.

Step 8: Now, click on Yes/ No against all qualification sections.

Step 9: Click on Proceed to pay the application fee. 

Step 10: After paying the application fee, click on submit. 

Step 11: Go to the OTR section and check your application form. (Download if needed)

Note: If candidates find any errors in their application form, then go to “Modify submitted application” shown on the Home Page. 

UPPSC Assistant Town Planner 2023 : Application Fees 

The U.P. public service commission (UPPSC) has set an application fee for candidates applying for this recruitment. The application fee is different for each category. The board is charging processing fees and application fees separately from reserved and unreserved category candidates. UPPSC Assistant Town Planner application fee is as follows: 


Application fees 

Processing Fees 


General / EWS / OBC 




Scheduled Caste (SC) / Scheduled Tribes (ST) 




Person with disabilities  (PwDs)




Ex- Serviceman 




Note: It is very important to make the payment in the 'Online Application' process by the candidate before the last date and time of submission of the complete application. Candidates should take a printout of the same and keep it safe.

UPPSC Assistant Town Planner Vacancy Exam Pattern 2023 

It is crucial for candidates to have a proper knowledge of the UPPSC Assistant Town Planner examination pattern. The UPPSC ATP examination is completed in two phases. Both phases are designed to evaluate a candidate's knowledge of a concerned subject and others. By analysing and understanding exam patterns, candidates can mould their preparation accordingly. Candidates can check the exam pattern for both exams as follows: 

UPPSC ATP Prelims Exam

This paper is designed to check a candidate's knowledge of town planning and general studies. Total 120 minutes will be allotted to candidates to solve this exam. The UPPSC ATP paper one exam pattern is as follows: 


No of Questions



Town planning




General Knowledge







2 hours

UPPSC ATP Mains Exam 

After successfully clearing the paper, one candidate will go for paper 2. This paper is designed to evaluate a candidate's hold on a concerned subject and language. The question paper will be divided into two parts, Section- 'A' and Section- 'B'. Questions number-1 and five will be compulsory, and it will be compulsory to attempt two questions from each section. All questions will carry equal marks. And a total of 05 questions will have to be answered. Candidates must pass in both parts to qualify in this exam. The UPPSC ATP paper two exam pattern is as follows: 


No of Questions



General Hindi and Essay


50+ 50 = 100

2 hours

Town planning



3 hours




5 hours

UPPSC Assistant Town Planner Recruitment Syllabus 2023 

It is very important for candidates to have a proper and deep knowledge of exam syllabus for better preparation. Through the UPPSC Assistant Town Planner syllabus, candidates can make their preparation strategy for this exam. Syllabus for ATP vacancy is mentioned for both paper one and two. Candidates can check U.P. public service commission (UPPSC) ATP syllabus as follows: 


General Knowledge 

  • General Science (High School Standard) 
  • History of India
  • Indian National Movement
  • Indian Polity, Economy & Culture
  • Indian Agriculture, Commerce & Trade
  • World Geography & Indian Geography & Natural resources of India
  • Current National and International Important events
  • Logic & Reasoning based on General Intelligence.
  • Specific knowledge regarding Education, Culture, Agriculture, Industry Trade, Living & Social Traditions of  Uttar Pradesh.
  • Elementary Mathematics up to 8th level:- Arithmetic, Algebra and Geometry. 
  • Ecology and Environment.

Part B 

Town and Country Planning

Note:- 100 questions of town and village planning for preliminary examination. The syllabus will be similar to that of Paper II of the Main Examination.


The main paper is divided into two parts. In the first part, candidates have to solve questions from General Hindi and Essay and in the second part questions from town planning will be asked. Detailed syllabus for both papers is mentioned in the article below: 

First Paper

सामान्य हिन्दी एवं निबन्ध (परम्परागत

प्रथम खण्ड

1- अपठित गद्यांश का संक्षेपण, उससे सम्बन्धित प्रश्न, रेखांकित अंशों की व्याख्या एवं उसका उपयुक्त शीर्षक।

2- अनेकार्थी शब्द, विलोम शब्द पर्यायवाची शब्द तत्सम एवं तद्भव, क्षेत्रीय, विदेशी (शब्द भण्डार), वर्तनी, अर्थबोध, शब्द-रूप, सन्धि, समास, क्रियायें, हिन्दी वर्णमाला, विराम चिन्ह, शब्द रचना, वाक्य रचना, अर्थ, मुहावरे एवं लोकोक्तियाँ, उत्तर प्रदेश की मुख्य बोलियाँ तथा हिन्दी भाषा के प्रयोग में होने वाली अशुद्धियाँ ।

द्वितीय खण्ड

हिन्दी निबन्ध

इसके अन्तर्गत एक खण्ड होगा। इस खण्ड में से एक निबन्ध लिखना होगा। इस निबन्ध की अधिकतम विस्तार सीमा 500 शब्द होगी। निबन्ध हेतु निम्नवत् क्षेत्र होंगे:-

  • साहित्य, संस्कृति
  • राष्ट्रीय विकास योजनायें / क्रियान्वयन
  • राष्ट्रीय अन्तर्राष्ट्रीय सामयिक सामाजिक समस्यायें / निदान 
  • विज्ञान तथा पर्यावरण
  • प्राकृतिक आपदायें एवं उनके निवारण
  • कृषि, उद्योग एवं व्यापार ।

Second Paper 

Town & Country Planning. 

  1. Site Planning & Development: Elements of Site Analysis, Site Development and Layouts, Principal Municipal Services and Networks.
  2. Applied Geology: Earthquake, Selection of Site and Foundations, Ground Water.
  3. Planning Theory: Urban Structure and Growth, Land- use Planning, Types of Planning, Principles of Regional Planning, Regional Planning in India, Concept Formation and Perception of Space, Plan Preparation and Implementation Agencies, Process of Planning, Physical Planning,
  4. Statistical and Quantitative Methods in Planning: Data Collection-Statistical data and methods, Collection of data and presentation, Sources of data, Questionnaire design, Surveys sampling, Sampling techniques. Time Series Analysis-Variation in time series, Probability Theory and Probability distribution, Correlation and Regression Analysis, Chi-Square Test and Analysis of Variance (ANOVA)
  5. Planning Techniques: Planning Practice in India, Spatial Standards, Regional Survey, Plan Preparation Techniques, Utilities and Urban Service Planning - Water Supply System, Solid Waste Disposal, Storm Water System, Basic Concepts and Theories, Sanitation and Sewer Systems. GIS Mapping- Coordinate system, Geo referencing and geo-coding: GIS data processing (Digitization, topology and meta-data creation).                                                           
  6. Design of Human Habitat: Social/cultural/ecological/ energy determinants of design; Imageability of the city, Structure of urban spaces - location criteria of activities and urban uses; Urban Regeneration, rehabilitation, revitalization, reconstruction, and redevelopment- concepts, interventions, processes, approaches methods and, tools.   
  7. Demography and Urbanization: Study of Population, Study of Demography, - Global and Indian Perspective of Urbanization, Settlement Systems, and Role of Urban Area, Policies, and Strategies for Directing Urbanization trends in India.
  8. Traffic and Transportation: Evaluation of Urban Structures, Planning and Management of Transport System, Regional Transport Systems, Transport and Environment, Economic Evaluation and Transport Policies, Urbanization and Transport Problem, Traffic Management, Urban and Regional Road Design, Geometric Design of Roads and intersections, Surveys and Studies
  9. Housing and Community Planning: Housing as a Basic Human Necessity, Housing Standards, Planning and Design of Housing Areas, Housing and Development Finance Policies.
  10. Settlement Geography: Introduction to Settlement Geography, Classification of Settlements, Rural Settlements, Urban Settlements.
  11. Economics & Development Planning: Developed, Developing and Under-developed Economies, Classical Theories of Development, Modern Theories of Development, Models of Development, Issues in Growth and Development. Development Finance- State and Municipal Finance, Funding & Financing Institutions at National and Global Level, Financing Mechanism.
  12. Rural and Resource Planning: Rural Planning: Concepts and Institutional Framework, Rural Planning in Relation to National and Regional Policies, Resource Planning Development and Management, Community Development, and Participation.
  13. Urban Management: Legal Framework, Urban Management, Organisations Involved in Urban Management, institutional Coordination of Participation for development. 
  14. Professional Practice: Role of Professional institutions and Town Planners, Methods of Property Valuation, Understanding of Law, Planning Legislation, Professional Practice.
  15. Planning Legislation: Concept of Law, Indian Constitution, Land Acquisition Act, Case Studies Related to Land Acquisition Act, Urban Development Law, Organisations for Plan Implementation, Rent Control and Environmental law.
  16. City and Metropolitan Planning: Human Settlement Planning and Urban Development Programme, Urban Policies, City- Region Linkages, Urban Growth and System of Cities, Metro and Mega Cities: Problems and Issues.
  17. Infrastructure Planning: Water Supply and Sanitation, Solid Waste Disposal and Management, Fire services and Electrification, Traffic and Transportation, Social Infrastructure.
  18. Planning for Tourism: Introduction to Tourism, Tourism sectors, impacts of Planning, Tourism-Policies and Programme.
  19. Urban Governance: Overview of Urban Governance, Urban Local Governance, Participatory Process in Urban Governance.
  20. Politics and Planning: Interface between Politics and Planning, Energy planning and management, Plans, Policies and Strategies.
  21. Planning for Regions: Concepts and Typology of Regions in India, and its planning, Future Regions.
  22. Infrastructure Planning- Regional: Infrastructure Management and Planning Issues, Role, and functions of Infrastructure in a Region. Physical - Water, Sanitation, Solid Waste Management, Regional connectivity (Roads, Railways), Energy. Social- Health, Education, Socio- Cultural and Recreational, Economic Infrastructure.
  23. District Planning and Rural Development: District Planning, Rural Planning, and Development (Rural Area Planning, Rural Infrastructure Development), Changing Profile of the Rural areas of India, Inclusive Development, Participatory Planning Process.
  24. Land Market and Management: Land Policy and Land Markets, Land supply Management Regulation in Land Markets, Land Utilization, Land Sharing & Management Techniques, Demand-side Management.
  25. Poverty and Development: Understanding Poverty, Measures of Poverty, Indicators of Poverty, Rural Poverty, Urban Poverty, Policies, and programs.
  26. Environment and Development: Environment and Development, Environmental Risks, and Impact. Disaster Preparedness, Role of Institutions in Environment management, Disaster Mitigation Planning and resource management, Prevention and Mitigation.
  27. Project Planning: Introduction, Project Appraisal (Technical, Financial, Economic, Social), Environmental Appraisal, Institutional Appraisal, Project Risk and Uncertainty, Methods of financing, Monitoring and Evaluation of projects & Practical Problem Solving
  28. Institutional Analysis and Governance: Planning Organisations, Decentralization of Powers, Participatory Governance, Network Governance.
  29. Legal issues in Planning and Practice: Introduction, Concepts and Significance of Law, Indian Constitution and Evolution of Planning Legislation, Evolution of Planning Legislation, Policy, Acts and Laws, Significance of Land Development Control.
  30. Resettlement and Rehabilitation: Land Development and Resettlement, Impact of Resettlement and Rehabilitation Plan, Rehabilitation, Public Participation as an important tool for R & R. Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI) - From Global to Local SDI applications, SDI application in Planning and Decision Support.
  31. Politics and Public Policy: Public Policy Analysis, Public Policy and Management in the Information Age, Public Policy- Politics of Provisions, State as a manager of resources, Strategic Policy Planning
  32. Urban heritage conservation: Introduction to Urban Heritage Typology/ classification,  inventories, mapping, Human habitation in historical context. Heritage Conservation, Natural heritage conservation typologies, policies for conservation, regulatory measures, community participation; Concept of Historic Urban Landscapes; Built heritage conservation determinants of built form on heritage.

UPPSC Assistant Town Planner Salary 2023 

Assistant Town Planner working under the Housing & Urban Planning Department of the U.P. Government gets a good salary from the department. Assistant Town Planners in Uttar Pradesh get salary as per 7th pay matrix and pay matrix level is 10.The UPPSC ATP salary structure is as follows: 



Pay matrix level 


Grade Pay 


Basic pay 


UPPSC Assistant Town Planner Vacancy Admit Card 2023

The UPPSC ATP admit card is important for candidates to appear in examinations. Without hall tickets, candidates will not be allowed to attend the exam. The Uttar Pradesh Public Service Commission (UPPSC) generally releases admit cards one or two weeks before the actual examination. Candidates can download their UPPSC Assistant Town Planner exam admit card 2023 as follows: 

Step 1: Visit UPPSC’s official website at https://uppsc.up.nic.in/ 

Step 2: Check the candidate corner button and select on “Download admit card”. 

Step 3: On the new page, fill your registration number, date of birth, gender and verification code in the section. 

Step 4: Click on “Download Admit card”. 

Step 5: Download and save your UPPSC ATP admit card. 

UPPSC Assistant Town Planner Recruitment Result 2023 

The result of the assistant town planner exam will be released one or two months after the main examination. Candidates appearing in the written examination are very concerned about the result because it works as a final gateway for becoming an assistant town planner. UP public service commission assistant town planner vacancy result 2023 is not announced yet. Candidates can check the result after the result link is active. The steps to download the result is as follows: 

  • Go to UPPSC’s official website and search for the result button on the notification section. 
  • Check and click on the “UPPSC Assistant Town Planner Result 2023”. 
  • Fill in all required details mentioned on the form. 
  • Click on ‘submit’ and your result will open. 
  • Download and save your UPPSC assistant town planner result. 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)


The form for the assistant town planner vacancy was released on 14 August 2023 by the Uttar Pradesh Public Service Commission. 

Candidates can fill their application form by 21 September 2023. 

Candidates should have a graduation degree or postgraduate diploma in town and country planning to appear in UPPSC ATP recruitment 2023.

Yes, reserved category candidates will get relaxation in the upper age limit. Category-wise relaxation is mentioned in the article above. 

Through this recruitment exam, a total 24 vacant posts of assistant town planner will be filled. 

The grade Pay of UPPSC assistant town planner is ₹5400.

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