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MP TET Varg-3 Exam 2023: Result, Exam Dates, Syllabus

Utkarsh Classes Last Updated 07-02-2025
MP TET Varg-3 Exam 2023: Result, Exam Dates, Syllabus

The Madhya Pradesh Professional Examination Board (MPPEB) conducts the Primary School Teacher Eligibility Test (PSTET) to recruit suitable candidates for primary school teacher posts in Madhya Pradesh. Commonly known as MP TET Varg 3, the MP PSTET exam for 2023 was held in May 2023. The result for the same was released on the official MP ESB website on 4 July 2023. 

Candidates who aspire to be appointed as primary school teachers in government and aided schools in Madhya Pradesh must be aware of the eligibility conditions, exam pattern and other relevant instructions to be prepared for the next exam cycle. This article contains information about the recently concluded Varg 3 exam and important links for official updates. 


As mentioned above, the appointment of primary school teachers in Madhya Pradesh is done through the MP PSTET varg 3 exam. A summary of the exam details has been provided in the table below. 

MP PSTET 2023 - Important Updates

Exam Conducting Organisation

Madhya Pradesh Professional Examination Board (MPPEB)


Primary School Teacher

Application Dates

30 January to 13 February 2023

Application Mode


Examination Mode


Frequency of Exam

Annual (or as per Board’s discretion)

Job Location

Madhya Pradesh 

Selection Process

Online Exam

MP TET Varg 3 Important Dates

The online exams for various posts under MP TET Varg 3 were held in May and the result was declared on 4 July 2023. The important dates for this exam have been given in the table below: 



Notification Release Date

30 December 2022

Application Start Date

30 January 2023

Last Date to Apply

13 February 2023 

Exam Date

2nd - 4th May 2023

Admit Card Release Date

26 April 2023


4 July 2023 

Important Links - MP PSTET 2023

The MP Employee Selection Board has summarised all-important exam information on the “Dashboard” section of the official website. Candidates can check the recently updated information for MP PSTET 2023 with the links provided in the table below: 

Eligibility Criteria for MP PSTET Varg-3 2023 

The eligibility conditions for MP PSTET 2023 exams have been laid out in the official rulebook. After meeting these requirements, candidates are eligible to sit for the MP PSTET Varg 3 test, which they must pass with the minimum score (cut-off) to be appointed as primary school teachers. 

The following eligibility criteria have been set for the candidates to be allowed to appear in the MP Primary School Teacher Eligibility Test. 

(a) Age Limit:

As per the official rulebook issued by the MP ESB, candidates should have attained the age of 21 years as on 1 January 2023. The maximum age shall be decided at the time of appointment as per departmental rules.  

(b) Educational Qualification:

In the 2023 notification for the MP Middle and Primary school teacher test, the board announced the exam only for physical education teachers, music teachers (gayan vadan) and dance teachers in the primary school section. The minimum prescribed educational qualifications for these posts are as mentioned below. 

For PSTET Physical Education: Higher Secondary with at least 50% marks and Diploma in Physical Ed/ B.P.Ed/ B.P.E. or (equivalent).

For PSTET Gayan Vadan: At least 50% marks in higher secondary, along with Diploma in gayan/vadan or B.Mus. or its equivalent/ M. Mus./ vid/ covid/ Ratna 

For PSTET Dance: At least 50% marks in higher secondary, along with Diploma in Dance or B.Mus. Dance (or its equivalent)/ M.Mus.Dance, or vid/ covid/ ratna in dance.  

For other primary teaching posts, a candidate must have acquired any of the following qualifications (as per previous notifications):

  • Higher Secondary or equivalent with at least 50% marks and a 2-year Diploma in Primary Education or equivalent, Or
  • Graduation with 50% marks and Bachelor of Education (B.Ed.), Or
  • Higher Secondary or its equivalent with at least 45% marks and a 2-year Diploma in Education (Special Education), Or
  •  Diploma in Elementary Education as per the NCTE (National Council for Teacher Education), Or  
  • Higher Secondary or equivalent with minimum 50% marks and 4-year Bachelor's degree in Elementary Education (B.El.Ed.), Or
  • Higher Secondary or equivalent with at least 50% marks and a 2-year Diploma in Education (Special Education), Or
  • Graduation degree and two years Diploma in Elementary Education or equivalent.

Note:  Candidates belonging to the following reserved categories shall be given a 5% relaxation in the  minimum qualifying marks given above:

  • Scheduled Castes (SC)
  • Scheduled Tribes (ST)
  • Other Backward Classes (OBC), and 
  • Physically Disabled Persons

MP TET 2023 Application Process for Varg 3 

Candidates willing to be recruited as middle school teachers in MP government schools could apply for the PSTET 2023 exam from 30th of January to 13th of February. 

The MP ESB issued a combined official notification (rulebook) for middle school and primary school teachers. Therefore, the application links have been provided under the combined heading of the Middle and Primary School Teacher Eligibility Test.  

Candidates can apply online by following the steps given below : 

  • Candidate must visit the official website of the Madhya Pradesh Employee Selection Board https://esb.mp.gov.in/
  • From the home page, select the “Dashboard” option. 
  • Find the “Middle and Primary School Teacher Eligibility Test - 2023” option in the table. 
  • Click on the “Online Form” link under this section. 
  • A login page will open. If you are not already registered on the portal, fill in your details and register. 
  • Your registration details will be sent to your contact number. Use these details to log in. 
  • Fill in the application form with the required personal details and pay the application fee. 
  • Submit the form and download a copy of the submitted application for future reference. 

Application Fee:

The application fee for different categories of candidates has been provided in the table below: 


Application Fee 


Rs. 660


(Only for MP candidates)

Rs. 360 

MP TET Varg-3 2023 Exam Pattern

The examination scheme for primary school teacher appointment through the MP TET varg 3 is as follows:

  • The duration of the exam will be 2:30 hours.
  • The question paper consists of 150 multiple-choice questions (MCQs). 
  • Each question will be worth 1 mark and the paper will be for a total of 150 marks.
  • There is no negative marking in this exam. .
  • The MP TET varg 3 question paper will have questions on the following 5 subjects:
  1. Child Development & Pedagogy
  2. Language-I (choice of Hindi or Sanskrit)
  3. Language-2 (English)
  4. Mathematics
  5. Environmental Study
  • There will be 30 questions related to each subject; each section will be worth 30 marks.
  • For Physical Education, Music and Dance teacher posts, the question paper will have 4 subjects. The first 3 sections will be the same as above. The fourth subject will be physical education, music and dance, respectively. There will be 15 MCQs in the 1st section, 10 in the 2nd section, 5 questions in the 3rd section, and 120 MCQs in the 4th section. 
  • The questions will be based on the Class 1 to 5 syllabus prevalent in Madhya Pradesh, but their difficulty level will be of high school level.

Syllabus for MP TET Varg 3 

The MP PSTET Varg 3 syllabus for the compulsory and common subjects has been briefly provided in the following section. Candidates can refer to the official MP ESB website and rulebook for subject-specific content. 

Child Development and Pedagogy 

  • Child Development: principles and concept; factors affecting growth, mental health and behaviour, socialisation processes, etc.
  • Concept of inclusive education and understanding of children with special needs
  • Learning and Pedagogy

Hindi/ Sanskrit Language 

  • Understanding of the language: reading, grammar, verbal abilities 

English Language 

  • Reading comprehension
  • Vocabulary
  • Functional grammar 

Note: The detailed MP PSTET syllabus PDF is available on the official website of MP ESB. 

MP PSTET Varg 3 Admit Card

The MP PSTET 2023 admit card link was made public on the official website on 26 April 2023. 

The admit card contains important information about the MP TET exam centre, shift and timings. The first part of the admit card has the candidate’s name, exam name, roll number and exam centre, while the second part includes other information such as exam duration, subject mentioned, etc. During the exam, the candidate must sign and impress a thumbprint on the admit card in the presence of the invigilator.

It is important to carry the admit card to the exam centre to validate the applicant’s candidature for the exam. Candidates can download their admit cards by following the steps given below: 

  • Visit the official website of the Madhya Pradesh Employee Selection Board https://esb.mp.gov.in/
  • From the home page, select the “Admit Card” menu option.
  • Click on the “Middle and Primary School Teacher Eligibility Test - 2023” link in the table. 
  • Read the instructions carefully and close the pop-up.
  • Log in using your application number and date of birth and selecting your subject. 
  • After solving the security question, click on Search. 
  • Your admit card will be displayed on the screen. 
  • Check all details on the admit card to confirm whether they are correct. 
  • Download and take out a print of the admit card to carry to the MP TET exam centre.

MP TET Answer Key 2023 

Soon after the online exam is conducted, the board publishes the answer keys on its official website for the questions asked in the exam. Students can access the MP TET Answer Key from the Dashboard section of the website. The official answer key gives an idea to the candidates about their expected scores in the exam.  

MP TET 2023 Result Varg 3

The MP PSTET 2023 result was announced on 4 July 2023. The link to check the result was published on the official website of MP ESB. The MP TET varg 3 result is declared on the basis of the minimum qualifying marks decided by the Board. 

The qualifying marks in the eligibility test for unreserved category candidates is 60%. For reserved category candidates, the minimum marks to qualify the examination are set at 50%. This includes candidates belonging to SC, ST and OBC categories native to Madhya Pradesh. Apart from these, the qualifying marks for disabled applicants will also be 50%.

Every candidate who obtains the above minimum qualifying marks will be given an eligibility certificate with lifelong validity. Thus, once a candidate has cleared the exam, they need not appear for the MP PSTET exam again. 

Candidates can download their MP TET result by following the steps given below : 

  • Go to the official website of the Madhya Pradesh Employee Selection Board https://esb.mp.gov.in/
  • From the home page, select the “Results” menu option.
  • Click on the “Middle and Primary School Teacher Eligibility Test - 2023” link in the table. 
  • Log in using your application number/ roll number, date of birth and the 9-digit TAC code mentioned on your admit card. 
  • After solving the security question, click on Search.
  • Your result will be displayed on the screen. 
  • Save and download a copy of your result card. 

Salary Details for MP Primary School Teachers 

The respective departments decide the salary for the different posts of the primary school teachers is decided by the respective departments. Candidates can check the post-wise salary details from the official rulebook. The minimum expected salary for primary school teachers in Madhya Pradesh government schools is Rs. 25,300 (plus dearness allowance). 


The MP TET varg 3 result for the 2023 recruitment cycle was released on 4th July. 

Candidates can expect a salary of Rs. 25,300 on being selected. 

No, marks are not deducted for wrong answers. Therefore, candidates should try to attempt maximum questions. 

The board may declare a cut-off for selection of candidates at the time of final selection. The minimum marks required to pass the exam are 60% (50% for reserved categories). 

Candidates must be at least 21 years old and should have passed higher secondary with 50% marks. For more details, refer to the official notification or the description given in this article. 

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