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Tamil Nadu to join PM SHRI Scheme of the Central Government

Utkarsh Classes Last Updated 07-02-2025
Tamil Nadu to join PM SHRI Scheme of the Central Government Government Scheme 3 min read

The Tamil Nadu government has decided to sign a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Union Ministry of Education to implement the PM SHRI Schools (PM Schools for Rising India) scheme in the state. This information was given by the Tamil Nadu School Education Department. 

The MoU will be signed by the state government before the commencement of the 2024-25 academic season. 

PM SHRI Schools (PM Schools for Rising India)

  • The government of India launched the PM SHRI Schools (PM Schools for Rising India) after the Union Cabinet approved it on 7 September 2022. 
  • Under the scheme, over 14,500 existing schools will be selected as PM SHRI Schools (PM Schools for Rising India). The central government, state government, union territories, and local bodies are eligible for the PM Shri Schools scheme. 
  • The Elementary schools (Class 1-5/1-8) and the Secondary/senior secondary Schools (Class 1-10/1-12/6-10/6-12) managed by Centre/State/UT Governments / local self-governments having UDISE+ code would be considered for selection under the Scheme. 

Duration and funding of the Scheme 

The scheme's duration is from 2022-23 to 2026-27. 

The scheme's total budget is Rs 27360 crore. The central government's share is  Rs 18128 crore.

Objectives of the PM SHRI Schools Scheme

  • These schools will showcase all the aspects of the  National Education Policy 2020 and emerge as exemplar schools over a period of time, 
  • PM SHRI Schools is expected to provide leadership to other schools in their vicinity by providing mentorship.
  • The PM SHRI Schools are to be developed as environment-friendly schools with solar lighting, water harvesting, and water conservation features.
  • The school's curriculum will be linked with Sector Skill Councils and local industry to enhance employability and provide better employment opportunities


Answer: Tamil Nadu has decided to join the PM Schools for Rising India scheme from the 2024-25 academic season.

Answer: The government of India launched the PM SHRI Schools (PM Schools for Rising India) after the Union Cabinet approved it on 7 September 2022.

Answer: It is a five-year central government scheme. Its duration is from 2022-23 to 2026-27.

Answer: The total budget of the scheme is Rs 27360 crore. The share of the central share government is Rs 18128 crore.
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