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Response of PM on No Confidence Motion

Utkarsh Classes Last Updated 07-02-2025
Response of PM on No Confidence Motion Bill and Act 4 min read

Prime Minister Narendra Modi on 10 August responded to a barrage of opposition's charges made during the debate on no-confidence motion against his government.

The government led by Prime Minister Narendra Modi faced a no-confidence motion for the second time in its nine years  in response to the Opposition's no-confidence motion against the NDA government. 

What is No Confidence Motion?

  • For testing this collective responsibility, the rules of Lok Sabha provide a particular mechanism – a motion of no-confidence. Any Lok Sabha MP, who can garner the support of 50 colleagues, can, at any point of time, introduce a motion of no-confidence against the Council of Ministers.
  • Thereafter, a discussion on the motion takes place. MPs who support the motion highlight the government’s shortcomings, and the Treasury Benches respond to the issues they raise. Finally, a vote takes place – in case the motion carries, the government is bound to vacate the office.
  • A no confidence motion can only be moved in the Lok Sabha.
  • Their passage by the Lok Sabha amounts to the expressions of want of parliamentary confidence in the government and may lead to its resignation.

Various Motion


Privilege Motion

Moved by a member, a minister has committed a breach of privilege of the House. It has the purpose of censuring the concerned minister. It can be moved in Rajya Sabha and Lok Sabha.

Censure Motion

Moved only in Lok Sabha.

Need a reason for its adoption.

Can be moved against an individual minister or whole council of ministers. 

Moved to censure the council of ministers for specific policies and actions.

Adjournment Motion

An extraordinary procedure is used to call the attention of the Lok Sabha in case of an urgency. 

It is presented as a matter of public concern.

It needs the assent of 50 members to be able to admit.

Call-Attention Motion

To draw attention of the respective minister to a pressing public issue.

Can be presented in both Houses of Parliament [Rajya Sabha and Lok Sabha].  

Time limit for the motion is 7 minutes, which can be followed by questions.

Closure Motion


Moved by a member demanding cutting short the matter in debate.

  • Kangaroo Closure: Demands that only crucial parts of a resolution may be discussed

  • Guillotine Closure: When undiscussed parts of a resolution are put to the vote along with the discussed one.

Cut Motions

Used to oppose a demand for grants. 

  • Policy Cut Motion: A cut of Rs.1 a symbolic 

  • Economy Cut Motion: A cut of a specific amount. 

  • Token Cut Motion: A cut of Rs. 100.


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