Prime Minister Narendra Modi will visit Maharashtra and Rajasthan on 25 August 2024 to participate in the Lakhpati Didi Sammelan in Jalgaon, Maharashtra, and the closing ceremony of the celebration of the 75th anniversary of the foundation of the Rajasthan High Court in Jodhpur.
During his visit to Jalagaon, Prime Minister Modi will participate in the Lakhpati Didi Sammelan, distribute certificates, and facilitate the 11 lakh new Lakhpati Didis. According to the Government of India, since the inception of the Lakhpati Didi Yoajna in 2023, one crore women have already been made Lakhpati Didis.
In the Jalgaon event, those women who became Lakhpati during the third term of the Modi government will be facilitated. The Modi government was sworn in for the third consecutive time on 9 June 2024.
In Jalgaon, PM Modi will release a Rs 2,500 crore revolving fund, which will benefit about 48 lakh members of 4.3 lakh Self-Help Groups (SHGs).
He will also disburse bank loans worth Rs 5,000 crore, which is likely to benefit around 25.8 lakh members of 2.35 lakh SHGs.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi announced the Lakhpati Didi scheme in his address to the nation on 15 August 2023 from Red Fort.
The scheme aims to create three crore ‘Lakhpati Didis’ in villages through the collective power of Women’s Self-Help Groups (SHGs).
Self-Help Group (SHG) members with household incomes of Rs one lakh or more per year are considered Lakhpati Didi.
The Lakhpati Didi scheme aims to financially empower poor women and lift them from the vicious cycle of poverty.
The Union Ministry of Rural Development is implementing the Lakhpati Didi scheme, which is the outcome of the Deendayal Antyodaya Yojana—National Rural Livelihoods Mission (DAY-NRLM) scheme of the Ministry of Rural Development.
Aims of the Lakhpati Didi Scheme
The main aim of the Lakhpati Didi scheme includes:
Eligibility criteria
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