The Namo Bharat Diwas was observed in New Delhi on 21 October 2024 to mark the anniversary of the operation of the Namo Bharat Trains. On 20 October 2023, Prime Minister Narendra Modi inaugurated the 17-kilometer section between Sahibabad and Duhai Depot section of the country’s first Regional Rapid Transit System (RRTS).
The first Regional Rapid Transit System of the country is the 82 km long Delhi-Ghaziabad -Meerut Regional Rapid Transit System, being implemented and operated by the National Capital Region Transport Corporation (NCRTC).
The high-speed self-propelled trains running on the Regional Rapid Transit System are referred to as the Namo Bharat trains.
The National Capital Region Transport Corporation (NCRTC) organised the Namo Bharat Diwas function in New Delhi.
The Union Minister of Housing and Urban Affairs, Manohar Lal Khattar was the chief guest at the event. The event was also attended by Union Minister of State for Housing and Urban Affairs, Tokhan Sahu. Managing Director of NCRTC, Shalabh Goel and other dignitaries.
Speaking on the occasion Manohar Lal Khattar said that though India has the third largest metro rail network in the world, it will soon surpass the United States to become the second largest metro rail network in the world after China.
The first Regional Rapid Transit System in the country seeks to connect the urban areas of the National Capital Region with Delhi with a high-speed rail network,
The National Capital Region includes the whole of Delhi,14 districts of Haryana , 2 districts of Rajasthan and 8 districts of Uttar Pradesh.
The trains on the RRTS can operate at a maximum speed of 180 km per hour and with an average speed of 100km per hour.
The National Capital Region Transport Corporation (NCRTC) is the implementing authority of the Regional Rapid Transit System.
It is a joint venture of the central government and the state governments of Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh, Haryana, and the Union Territory of Delhi.
The NCRCTC comes under the Union Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs,
The RRTS is being developed in phases by the NCRTC. Three corridors are being developed in the first phase
Other proposed corridors are