Recently illegally traded horns of Indian Rhino recovered in Assam which is believed to be of Indian Rhino from Manas National Park.
Rhino poaching in Assam is the major wild animal issue in India, As Illegal rhino horn trade has increased in the black market. One Horned Rhino National Park of Assam hosts 95% of the total wild One horned rhino in the world and poaching is the only important reason for the decline of the Indian rhino.
The greater one-horned rhino (or “Indian rhino”) is the largest of the rhino species
There are five species of rhino in the wild – white and black rhinos in Africa, and the greater one-horned, Javan and Sumatran rhino species in Asia.
India is home to only the Great One-Horned Rhino
They primarily graze, with a diet consisting almost entirely of grasses as well as leaves, branches of shrubs and trees, fruit, and aquatic plants.
Poaching for the horns as horns are used in traditional Asian medicine, particularly in Vietnam and China.
Habitat loss is the other major threat to rhino populations. As more and more land is cleared for agriculture there is less available space for rhino to thrive in.