Bharatiya Janata Party’s (BJP) Devendra Gangadharrao Fadnavis was sworn in as the Chief Minister of Maharashtra for the third time on 5th December 2024. In a ceremony held at the Azad Maidan of Mumbai, Governor C P Radhakrishnan administered the oath of office to Devendra Fadnavis. He succeeded his alliance partner Eknath Shinde of the Shiv Sena as the new Chief Minister of Maharashtra.
He was sworn in as the 21st Chief Minister of Maharastra and is the second Brahmin after Shiv Sena’s Manohar Joshi to be the Chief Minister of Maharashtra.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi, other senior Ministers of the Narendra Modi government, and 22 Chief Ministers of BJP and its allies-ruled states were also present on the occasion.
Earlier, the 132-member BJP Legislative Party elected Davendra Fadnavis as its leader and staked its claim to form the government in the state.
Two Deputy Chief Minister Sworn In
Along with Devendra Fadnavis, two deputy Chief Ministers, Eknath Shinde of Shiv Sena and Ajit Pawar of the Nationalist Congress Party, were also sworn in .
In the previous government, Eknath Shinde was the Chief Minister, and Devendra Fadnavis and Ajit Pawar were deputy Chief Ministers.
Devendra Fadnavis is the second Brahmin after Shiv Sena’s Manohar Joshi to be the Chief Minister of Maharashtra.
Landslide victory of Mahayuti Alliance in Maharashtra election
The ruling Mahayuti alliance of Bharatiya Janata Party, Eknath Shinde’s Shiv Sena, and Ajit Pawar's Nationalist Congress Party was swept back to power in the recently concluded Maharashtra Legislative Assembly election. BJP emerged as the largest party with 132 seats in the 288 Maharashtra Legislative Assembly.
Devendra Fadnavis won his Nagpur South West assembly seat by over 39,000 votes, defeating Prafulla Gudadhe of the Congress party.
Devendra Fadnavis was born in July 1970 in Nagpur in a Maharashtrian Chitpawan Brahmin family .
The state of Maharashtra was established on 1 May 1960 after the bifurcation of the Bombay state into Marathi-speaking Maharashtra and Gujarati-speaking Gujarat.
First Chief Minister of Maharashtra -Yashwantrao Chavan of the Congress Party.
Longest serving Chief Minister - Vasantrao Naik of the Congress party for 11 years and 78 days.
Shortest term as Chief Minister: P.K Sawant of Congress Party for 10 days.
No woman has ever been the Chief Minister of Maharashtra.