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Last Minute Expert Tips & Suggestions for UPSSSC PET 2023 Candidates

Utkarsh Classes Last Updated 04-03-2025
Last Minute Expert Tips & Suggestions for UPSSSC PET 2023 Candidates

The Uttar Pradesh Subordinate Services Selection Commission (UPSSSC) conducts the Preliminary Eligibility Test (PET) for Group B, C, and other government jobs in the state. Candidates who pass Tier I, i.e., the UP PET, will advance to Tier II, which will include the Mains Exam/Skill Test/Physical Test. 

Candidates who are going to appear for the UPSSSC PET 2023, which is scheduled for 28 and 29 October 2023, should make adequate preparations and be mindful of how to revise effectively. The Utkarsh team is always here to help the candidates who need expert advice and tips on how to utilise their last 3-4 days before the examination! Follow the strategy mentioned in this article to learn how to revise for the UP PET 2023.

UPSSSC PET Exam Pattern 2023

The UPSSSC PET will be conducted in offline mode, i.e., pen and paper mode. Explore all the relevant information about the PET Exam pattern here. 

According to the official PET notification for 2023, the detailed exam pattern is as follows:

  • The exam will include objective multiple-choice questions.
  • There will be a negative marking of 0.25 (¼) marks for each wrong answer.
  • The sections of examination and the weightage of each are mentioned in the table below

S. No.


Max. Marks


Indian History



Indian National Movement






Indian Economy



Indian Constitution & Public Administration



General Science



Elementary Arithmetic



General Hindi



General English



Logic and Reasoning



Current Affairs



General Awareness



अपठित हिंदी गद्यांश का विवेचन एवं विश्लेषण – 02 गद्यांश



Interpretation and Analysis of Graphs – 02 Graphs



Interpretation and Analysis of Tables – 02 Tables




UPSSSC PET Exam Schedule 2023

The UP PET 2023 will be held in two shifts on 28 and 29 October 2023.  To avoid technical issues at the last moment, candidates are recommended to download their admit card well in advance of the exam date. Please see the table below for a complete overview of the UPSSSC PET 2023 timetable:

                UPSSSC PET 2023 Schedule 

Date & Day


Shift Time 

28 October 2023 (Saturday)

Shift 1 (Morning)

10:00 a.m. to 12 noon

Shift 2 (Afternoon)

03:00 p.m. to 05:00 p.m.

29 October 2023 (Sunday)

Shift 1 (Morning)

10:00 a.m. to 12 noon

Shift 2 (Afternoon)

03:00 p.m. to 05:00 p.m.

Check the official UP PET Exam Schedule 2023 Notice PDF 

Revision Tips for UPSSSC PET by Experts

Last Minute Preparation Tips for UP PET are vital for any candidates taking the upcoming Uttar Pradesh Prelims test. You should not be stressed during the final phases of your preparation and should commit at least 8 - 9 hours each day to studying the study materials and analysing the tests you have taken. You must do the following things before appearing in the actual exam: 

  • Thorough Revision of Notes: Be sure to revise your notes thoroughly, making sure they are up to date. This will help you to strengthen your basics and increase your preparation level. To do well in the Uttar Pradesh P.E.T., you must review your preparation notes, practise important questions, and take the mock test as well.
  • Solve Mock Test:- Taking mock tests and answering previous year's question papers is usually considered one of the most effective ways to revise all subjects and current events. At least two full-length UPSSSC PET Mock Tests should be attempted per day. 
  • Avoid Picking Any New Topic:- Candidates should avoid studying new topics in the days leading up to the exam. This can cause a lot of misunderstanding and time waste. Candidates should adhere to the books and notes they've made for themselves and concentrate on themes they're already familiar with.
  • Build Exam Day Strategy:- It is crucial to follow a proper plan for the UP PET exam. To avoid mistakes in your answers, thoroughly read the questions first. Next, avoid the difficult and time-consuming questions and answer those you are familiar with first. Practising mock tests and quizzes will help you get a good score.
  • Stay Confident:- Another important part of the UP P.E.T. preparation plan is for applicants to be both patient and confident on exam day. Staying calm is essential for securing good marks.
  • Stay Fit, Stay Attentive:- Don't disregard your health in the final days before the exam. Make sure you get enough sleep, eat well, and remain hydrated. Avoid cramming at the last minute since a well-rested mind works better.
  • Time Administration: Time management is an essential and effective method for both studying and taking exams. Using an alarm clock or a stopwatch is the easiest way to ensure you stay on track. As indicated in the chart above, decide how much time you will devote to each subject and stick to it. This will be useful when taking the exam. 

Important Topics for UPSSSC PET 2023 Revision 

Current Affairs, General Awareness, and Unseen Passage (Hindi) are important sections of UP PET 2023, and these are also the highest-scoring sections of the paper. The most significant topics for the UP PET 2023 Exam that applicants must be thoroughly familiar with are listed below:

  • Current Affairs
    • National Current Affairs: Policies, recent events, summits, etc.
    • International Current Affairs:  Books and Authors, Awards and Honours
  • General Awareness
    • Countries, Capitals and Currencies
    • Indian States and UTs
    • Indian Parliament
    • India’s Neighbours
    • Important Days 
    • World Organizations and Headquarters
    • Indian and International Sports
    • Indian Research Institutes
    • Climate Change and Environment
  • Unseen Passage (Hindi)
    • संधि
    • विलोम शब्द
    • पर्यायवाची शब्द

Relevant Links for UPSSSC PET 2023

Those who will take the Uttar Pradesh PET 2023 should consult this table, as we are providing all necessary information about the Preliminary Eligibility Test here. Simply click on the link to learn all about that specific topic:-

UPSSSC PET Notification 2023 - Official PDF

UPSSSC PET 2023 Apply Link  (Inactive)

UPSSSC PET Admit Card 2023

UPSSSC PET Previous Year Question Papers

UPSSSC PET 2023 Answer Key (Available Soon)

UP PET Result 2023 (Available Soon)

UPSSSC PET 2023 - DOs and Don’ts

Here are some DOs and DON’Ts that you must keep in mind to follow on your PET exam day in order to perform well.


  • Although candidates' examination centres are far from home, they keep their admit card, ID proof, photocopy, and two photos in their bag a day in advance. It is important to arrive at the exam centre on exam day calmly and without stress.
  • Candidates must bring one official government photo ID, such as a passport, PAN card, voter identity card, Aadhaar card, or similar, as well as two passport-size photographs, to their exam venue/location.


  • Mobile phones, electronic pens, smartwatches, and other prohibited goods are not prohibited at the exam centre. Candidates should also avoid carrying any study materials, notes, or books into the examination centre.
  • Except for your roll number, do not write anything on the question paper or OMR sheet. The use of a correction pen on an OMR sheet is not permitted.
  • Avoid any type of communication with other applicants throughout the examination, as this will result in the exam being cancelled.
  • Overthinking or panicking throughout the exam may have a detrimental impact on your results.


Consolidate what you already know during last-minute preparation. Maintain your composure, attention, and confidence. Best wishes for your UPSSSC PET 2023 Exam! Remember, you've worked hard to prepare, and now it's time to shine.

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The Uttar Pradesh Pre Eligibility Test (UP PET) is a qualifying entry-level exam that the UPSSSC authorities conduct annually to assess candidates' knowledge for Group B and Group C posts in the UP Government.

It is advised to thoroughly revise the important points and topics again, practise papers from previous year exams, and stay confident. Do not take any new topics in the last few days before exam.

UP PET 2023 is scheduled to take place on 28 and 29 October 2023.

Look at the schedule table given in the article to check the scheduled time for each shift of the exam. To avoid any last-minute traffic, it's a good idea to get there early.

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