Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath reviewed the situation of communicable diseases in the state in a high-level inter-departmental meeting.
Every year in April, July and October, a special campaign is conducted with inter-departmental coordination for effective control of communicable diseases.
The new phase of the campaign will start in October this year. Along with government efforts, public participation is also important in this.
Two successful models of encephalitis control and Covid management, useful for the communicable disease campaign. Today there is a dengue testing facility in every district.
Communicable diseases, which are also known as infectious diseases, are caused by microorganisms that can be transmitted from one individual to another through direct or indirect contact.
Some common examples of communicable diseases include
Non-communicable diseases, also known as chronic diseases or non-infectious diseases, are not caused by infectious agents but are instead the result of various non-infectious factors such as lifestyle choices, heredity, and environmental factors.
Some common examples of non-infectious diseases include