The Karnataka Chief Minister Siddaramaiah on 5th August 2023 formally launched Gruha Jyoti scheme to provide upto 200 units of free electricity to eligible households in the state
It was one of the five poll guarantee schemes promised by the Congress party during the recently held Assembly election . These five poll promises are considered a key factor in the landslide win of the congress party in the recently held state Assembly election.
According to the chief minister Siddaramaiah , 2.14 crore consumers are eligible under Gruha Jyothi, and 1.42 crore households have already registered under the scheme . The scheme came into effect on 1st July 2023 but it was being formally launched in August.
With the launch of the ‘Gruha Jyothi’ the Siddaramaih led Congress government has implemented three of the five poll guarantees. The other two being, 'Shakti', by providing free services for women in public transport buses, and ‘Anna Bhagya' scheme by paymet of cash in lieu of the additional 5 kg rice to beneficiaries.
The chief minister Siddaramaiah said that the other two poll promise 'Gruha Lakshmi' to provide Rs 2,000 monthly assistance to the woman head of every family will be launched mostly on August 24; and 'Yuva Nidhi' to provide Rs 3,000 every month for unemployed graduate youth and Rs 1,500 for unemployed diploma holders will be launched by December end or January.
Gruha Jyoti : Free 200 units of electricity
Shakti : Free bus ride for women
Anna Bhagya : additional 5 kg of free rice
Gruha Lakshmi : Rs 2000 monthly assistance to women head of family
Yuva Nidhi : Rs 3000 per month for unemployed graduate youth and Rs 1500 per month for unemployed diploma holders