The Rajouri Chikri Wood Craft from Rajouri district and Mushqbudji Rice of Anantnag district of the Union Territory of Jammu and Kashmir have received the Geographical Indication (GI) tag recently. The GI tag in India is granted by the Geographical Indication Registry under the Department of Industry Promotion and Internal Trade, Union Ministry of Commerce and Industry.
The National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development(NABARD) took the initiative to identify unique products from the Union Territory of Ladakh and the Union Territory of Jammu and Kashmir, in December 2020. It sanctioned a project for GI tag registration of products from both the Union Territories.
Under the project NABARD included 9 products ,8 from Jammu and Kashmir and one from Ladakh for GI tag registration .
The products which were included by NABARD to obtain GI tags were
Basohli paintings (Kathua),
Basohli pashmina woollen products (Kathua),
Chikri wood craft (Rajouri),
Bhaderwah rajma (Doda),
Mushkbudji rice (Anantnag),
Kaladi (Udhampur),
Sulai honey (Ramban),
Anardana (Ramban) and
Ladakh wood carving (Ladakh).
Out of 9 products, two products Basohli Painting of Kathua and Ladakh Wood Carving of Ladakh were granted GI tag by the Geographical Indications Registry ,Chennai in March 2023. Now two more products have been added to the list.
Chikri is a pale, honey coloured , fine grained soft wood found in hill ranges of Rajouri district of Jammu province. The Chikri woodcraft of Rajouri is characterised by intricate carving and detailing.
Mushqbudji Rice is a premium variety of short bold aromatic rice grown in higher reaches of the Kashmir valley especially in Anantnag district.
Kani Shawl
Kashmir Pashmina
Kashmir Paper Mache
Kashmir Walnut Wood Carving
Kashmiri Hand Knotted Carpet
Saffron (Mongra, Lachha, Guchhi)