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Raj-Silicosis Portal- AI Based Chest X-ray Application

Utkarsh Classes Last Updated 07-02-2025
Raj-Silicosis Portal- AI Based Chest X-ray Application Rajasthan 5 min read

Dr. Samit Sharma, the Government Secretary of Social Justice and Empowerment of Rajasthan, recently announced an Artificial Intelligence (AI) based application for the silicosis certification process on the new Silicosis Portal.

AI Based Chest X-ray Application 

  • Dr. Samit Sharma has announced the development of an Artificial Intelligence (AI) based application for the silicosis certification process on the new Silicosis Portal at District Pneumoconiosis Board level. The application was inaugurated by Rajasthan's Social Justice and Empowerment Minister Tikaram Julie.
  • The AI-enabled silicosis screening system is a testament to the government's progressive stance on using technology to accelerate the delivery of medical care and economic support to the most vulnerable sections of society. 
  • Uses: 
    • This application evaluates chest x-ray on various parameters based on deep learning. Radiologists can use it to identify silicosis patients through chest x-ray, thus reducing human errors.
    • Through this technology, the workload of radiologists will be reduced, and it will be easier to weed out those who are not suffering from silicosis from the applications received. 
    • Rapid screening will enable prompt medical attention and reduce the burden on healthcare resources. 
    • Early detection of the disease will allow timely intervention and treatment, potentially preventing disease progression.
    • The AI-based application is a screening tool that analyzes the findings of chest X-rays using technology, aiding decision-making for silicosis certification. 
    • The core of this initiative is an advanced deep learning model, developed and rigorously tested at every step using extensive datasets. Wadhwani Institute for Artificial Intelligence is supporting this initiative.
  • Radiologists and silicosis certificate issuing officers will be able to take the same decisions as before for certification as per their clinical judgment. 
  • Artificial Intelligence: 

  • Artificial Intelligence refers to the intellectual ability developed artificially. It involves creating a computer system or robotic system that operates based on the same logic as human brains.

Rajasthan Pneumoconiosis Policy-2019 

Rajasthan Pneumoconiosis Policy-2019 was implemented by the state government, with Rajasthan becoming the first state in the country to implement silicosis policy for the welfare of mining workers, including BOCW. 

  • The policy includes a provision of a Rs. 3 lakh assistance amount, pension of Rs. 1.5 thousand per month, and other benefits to patients suffering from silicosis.
  • Under this policy, silicosis certification and payment are done by a special qualified person of the Directorate through Raj Silicosis Portal. After the beneficiary applies, the chest X-ray is analyzed and examined by a radiologist and certified as suffering from silicosis.

About Silicosis

Silicosis is a chronic respiratory disease that develops from prolonged exposure to large amounts of crystalline silica dust, typically over several years. Silica is a substance that occurs naturally in certain types of rock, stone, sand and clay. Handling and manipulating these materials can generate fine dust that can easily be inhaled.

AI in Healthcare

  • Tumor detection: Using labelled X-ray images of known tumors to detect tumors.
  • Categorization of patients: Categorizing groups of patients with similar symptoms to identify a common cause
  • Chatbots: AI based chatbots used for quick response and service delivery to patients.
  • Surgical procedures: AI based robots can be used in complicated surgery processes. Like brain surgeries, heart surgeries.
  • Wearables: AI based wearables like glasses, aprons can be used to detect infections and isolation processes.


Answer: Rajasthan

Answer: 2019

Answer: Rajasthan
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