The Maharashtra government has launched a 15 day “ reading campaign amongst students” starting 1 January 2025. The scheme was announced by the Minister for Higher and Technical Education Minister of Maharashtra government Chandrakant Patil.
The state government has also set up committees at various levels that will oversee the reading campaign across the state.
The state government has also announced that it will honour the winners of the various activities conducted by the state government as part of the reading campaign.
The 15 day reading campaign will be under the Higher and Technical Education Department of the Maharashtra government. It will be held every year from 1-15 January.
It is part of the state government’s effort to nurture a generation that values reading as a crucial aspect of intellectual and personal growth.
Apart from this the other aim of the campaign are as follows;
Chief Minister of Maharashtra : Devendra Fadnavis
Governor of Maharashtra: C P Radhakrishnan
Also Read: Devendra Fadnavis sworn in as Maharashtra CM for the third time