A new children-friendly police station was inaugurated in the Dhule district of Maharashtra. The Azadnagar Police Station in Dhule city was chosen for this initiative, which was conceptualised by district collector Abhinav Goyal and District Women and Child Development Officer Rajendra Birari.
NCPCR Guidelines:
When setting up police stations, it is crucial to understand that simply having colorful walls and sophisticated physical infrastructure is not enough. As per the NCPCR guidelines from 2017, the ultimate goal should be to bridge the gap between policing and child protection, effectively putting theory into practice.
Juvenile Justice Act of 2015:
When considering the needs of children who require care and protection, it's important to remember that the definition of juveniles is straightforward. As per Section 2(12) of the Juvenile Justice Act of 2015, juveniles are those who are under 18 years of age. This definition should be carefully considered.