The latest edition of Asia’s biggest biennial air show and aviation exhibition - Aero India 2025 will be held at the Air Force Station, Yelahanka in Bengaluru, Karnataka. The 15th edition of the Aero India show will be held from 10-14 February 2025.
The first edition of the Aero India show was organised in 1996 at the Yelahanka Air Force Station base and the last 14th edition was held in 2023 at the same venue.
Aero India will showcase India’s growth in aerospace and defence capabilities. On the 13th and 14th of February, there will be both air displays and exhibitions of a large number of military aircraft from the aerospace sector.
The Aero India show is organised by the Defence Exhibition Organisation, the Department of Defence Production, Union Ministry of Defence.
The theme of the 15th Aero India is ‘The Runway to a Billion Opportunities’,.
The theme of the 14th edition of the Aero India was the same as the 15th one.
The event comprises a curtain raiser event, an inaugural event, a Defence Ministers’ Conclave, CEOs’ Round Table, a Manthan start-up event, air shows, an exhibition, and a trade fair of aerospace companies.
Defence Ministers’ Conclave will be held in which defence ministers of India and the invited country's defence ministers will participate to build a strategic partnership.
The theme of the Conclave is BRIDGE -Building Resilience through International Defence and Global Engagement.