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India launches world's first mobile-launched hybrid rocket, RHUMI-I

Utkarsh Classes Last Updated 24-08-2024
India launches world's first mobile-launched hybrid rocket, RHUMI-I Space 4 min read

In a boost to India’s space effort, the world's first mobile hybrid rocket, RHUMI-1, was successfully launched on 24 August 2024. The successful launch of the RHUMI-1 rocket also marks the launch of the first reusable hybrid rocket in India. The rocket was developed by Chennai-based startup Space Zone India in collaboration with Martin Group.

The success of RHUMI-1 is expected to improve the efficiency and reduce the operational cost of rocket launches, making space exploration more accessible.

The RHUMI-1 rocket is launched from a mobile launcher like a special truck, and the rocket can be used again; hence, it is called a reusable rocket.

From where RHUMI-1 was launched?

The RHUMI-1 reusable hybrid rocket was launched from a mobile launcher in Thiruvidandhai, a coastal village in Chennai, Tamil Nadu. 

Payloads of the RHUMI-1 Reusable Hybrid Rocket

The RHUMI-1  reusable hybrid rocket launched three CubeSats and 50 PICO satellites into a suborbital trajectory.

The satellites will collect data for research on Global warming and Climate Change.

RUHMI-1, a sounding rocket, flew at an altitude of about 35 km and returned to Earth after conducting several experiments within seconds.

What is a Hybrid Rocket?

A hybrid rocket engine combines the features of both solid-fueled and liquid-fueled engines.

Hybrid rocket engines use solid fuel as the propellant and a liquid or gaseous oxidiser to sustain combustion. 

The solid fuel is cast into a cylindrical shape and placed inside the rocket motor, while the oxidiser is stored in a separate tank and fed into the combustion chamber. Both propellants are inert and only combust when the fuel is converted to a gaseous state and mixed with an oxidiser in the combustion chamber.

The RHUMI Rocket is equipped with a generic-fuel-based hybrid motor and electrically triggered parachute deployer, RHUMI is 100% pyrotechnic-free and 0% TNT.

About the Space Zone India

Space Zone India is a private aero-technology company. It aims to develop low-cost, long-term solutions for the space industry. 

The company also focuses on education and outreach, providing hands-on training in aerodynamic principles, satellite, drone, and rocket technology.

Headquarters: Chennai

Chairman: K Megalingam


Answer: RHUMI-1

Answer: RHUMI-1

Answer: Private company Space Zone India

Answer: Chennai

Answer: Thiruvidandhai coastal village in Chennai, Tamil Nadu.
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