The Government of India has launched Entity Locker under its e-Governance project. The Entity Locker is a digital platform that is expected to transform the management and verification of business/organisation essential documents and promote the government’s effort to create a digitally empowered and efficient business environment in the country.
The Entity Locker platform ensures safe, efficient, and streamlined document management for businesses and institutions.
Who has developed the Entity Locker?
The Entity Locker has been developed and is being managed by the National e-Governance Division under the Digital India Corporation. The Digital India Corporation which was earlier known as Medial Lab Asia is a non-profit organisation under the Union Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology (MeitY).
About the Entity Locker
The Entity Locker is a digital cloud-based platform that provides for storing, sharing and verifying digital documents and certificates of a defined entity.
Here Entity means any business organisation whether government or private registered in India. It includes government organisations, private companies, Micro Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME), and non-profit organizations.
- These entities can create their digital document wallet in the Entity Locker. They can upload and deposit their essential documents like registration certificates, tax returns, provident funds-related documents, etc in a digital format in their digital document wallet.
- Whenever the company director or proprietor wants information about important documents of the company they can access it through Entity Locker.
- These documents can also be shared with other organizations authorized by the document owners.
- The Entity Locker is integrated with the Union Ministry of Corporate Affairs, the Goods and Services Tax Network (GSTN), the Directorate General of Foreign Trade (DGFT), and other regulatory institutions.
- This connectivity facilitates simplified compliance processes and ensures efficient document management.
Benefits of Entity Locker
- It will make the sharing of important documents which is needed for verification by other business organisations and government agencies easier.
- It will reduce the administrative cost related to the verification of company documents.
- It will promote accountability by tracking all document-related activities.
- It will minimize document processing times and operational bottlenecks.