The Union cabinet chaired by the Prime Minister Narendra Modi on 13thSeptember 2023 has approved the third phase of the centrally sponsored e Court Integrated Mission Mode Project. The Phase III of the project will be of 4 years duration, 2023-2027 with an outlay of Rs.7210 crore.
The third phase of the e Court Integrated Mission Mode projects aims to promote digital, online and paperless courts through digitization of the entire court records including legacy records and by bringing in universalization of e-Filing/ e-Payments through saturation of all court complexes with e-Sewa Kendras.
The eCourts Integrated Mission Mode Project is one of the National e- Governance projects being implemented in District and Subordinate Courts of the country since 2007.
The project is aimed at providing the necessary hardware and software application to enable courts to deliver e-services, and the judiciary to be able to monitor and manage the functioning of courts.
The eCourts Integrated Mission Mode Project is being jointly implemented by the Department of Justice, Ministry of Law & Justice, Government of India and eCommittee, Supreme Court of India.
The eCourts mission project is now in its third phase .
The Phase1 of the e Court mission was launched in 2007 and concluded on 30th March 2015. The District and Taluka level courts were computerised and judicial staff were trained in the operation of e Courts.
The phase II of the e Court project was approved by the government of India on 4th August 2015. The project ended in 2023.
All the remaining courts and newly constructed courts were covered under the second phase.It provided for connecting the Jails with the courts through video conferencing .
Union Minister for Law and Justice: Arjun Ram Mehgwal
Chief Justice of India : Justice D.Y.Chandrachud