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Navy Will Soon Get Another Indigenous Aircraft Carrier

Utkarsh Classes Last Updated 07-02-2025
Navy Will Soon Get Another Indigenous Aircraft Carrier Defence 5 min read

The Government of India is positively considering the Indian Navy's proposal to build a second aircraft carrier at a cost of approximately Rs 40,000 crore. The government's attention has come to this region when the news of China's increasing infiltration in the Indian Ocean region is increasing day by day.

Defense Procurement Board (DPB) Approval:

  • Defense Procurement Board (DPB), a major body of the Defense Ministry, has given in-principle approval to this ambitious proposal. With this approval, the government has indicated its readiness for the second indigenous aircraft carrier which will be known as IAC II.

The proposal for this procurement will be placed before the DAC soon:

  • The mega procurement proposal will soon be placed before the Defense Acquisition Council (DAC), the apex body on procurement of the Defense Ministry. 
  • The DAC, chaired by Defense Minister Rajnath Singh, is likely to meet on November 30, 2023. The proposal of IAC-II will be examined in this meeting.

DAC will consider purchase of 97 Tejas Mark-1A aircraft for AIF:

  • The DAC may also consider the Indian Air Force's proposal to procure an additional batch of 97 Tejas Mark-1A aircraft at a cost of Rs 1.15 lakh crore.

Government of India is emphasizing on indigenization:

  • The Government of India is paying special attention to Make in India under the Self-reliant India campaign. The military is actively promoting indigenization within its ranks. In view of this, the Indian Navy has sent an important proposal to the government for the second aircraft carrier to be built by Cochin Shipyard Limited.

Indigenous Aircraft Carrier-2 (IAC-II):

  • The Defense Ministry has received a proposal for the construction and acquisition of a second indigenous aircraft carrier. It will be known as Indigenous Aircraft Carrier-2 (IAC-II).

IAC-II will be built by Cochin Shipyard Limited:

  • Once IAC-II gets approval from the government, it will be built by Cochin Shipyard Limited in Kerala.
  • The development of the indigenous Aircraft Carrier-II is likely to generate thousands of direct and many times more indirect jobs.

INS Vikrant (IAC-I):

  • In September 2022, Prime Minister Modi inaugurated INS Vikrant, India's inaugural indigenous aircraft carrier, in Kochi. This aircraft carrier, built at Cochin Shipyard Limited (CSL), was highly appreciated globally.

Navy needs three more aircraft carriers:

  • According to the Indian Navy, the Navy currently requires three more aircraft carriers so that at least one aircraft carrier can be deployed on each coast and one can be repaired.
  • Equipped with three aircraft carriers, the Navy can effectively coordinate with deployed fleets across the Indo-Pacific region.
  • The Navy is also set to receive 26 new Rafale fighter aircraft for INS Vikrant and is also considering purchasing indigenous twin engine deck L-based fighter aircraft. It is now expected to be produced in large numbers for deployment on three carriers.


Answer:- The Government of India is positively considering the proposal of the Indian Navy to build a second aircraft carrier at a cost of about Rs 40,000 crore.

Answer:- The second aircraft carrier of the Indian Navy will be known as IAC II.

Answer:- The Indian Navy has sent an important proposal to the government for the second aircraft carrier to be built by Cochin Shipyard Limited.

Answer:- DAC may also consider the Indian Air Force's proposal to procure an additional batch of 97 Tejas Mark-1A aircraft at a cost of Rs 1.15 lakh crore.

Answer:- INS Vikrant (IAC-I) The first indigenous aircraft carrier INS Vikrant was commissioned by Prime Minister Modi in Kochi in September 2022.
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